Overview: http://ethercalc.net/
中文版: http://ethercalc.tw/
REST API: http://docs.ethercalc.apiary.io/
Language: LiveScript
Runtime: Node.js (0.8+ preferred)
Services: Redis (2.4+; fall-back to on-disk JSON storage if not present)
- Multi-server is supported only when running with Redis
- Note to Redis 2.2 users (e.g. on Ubuntu 12.04): Please disable the
timeout 300
setting in/etc/redis.conf
, or upgrade to Redis 2.4+ if possible at all. For more details, see #49.
Browsers tested: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE.
Integrated with content management systems:
For global installation (may need root)
npm i -g ethercalc
For local non-root installation
npm i
Or install with our Docker image, which comes with a webworker-threads support:
# Run a redis Docker using the official redis Docker image with persistant database in <host-directory>
sudo docker run --name redis -d -v <host-directory>:/data redis:latest
# Run ethercalc on default port 8000
sudo docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --link redis:redis audreyt/ethercalc
# Run ethercalc on custom port 80
sudo docker run -d -p 80:8000 --link redis:redis audreyt/ethercalc
Please see API.md for the API Blueprint, or http://docs.ethercalc.apiary.io/ for the online version.
Specify a specific host and/or a different port for the service.
By default EtherCalc listens at
(all IPv4 interfaces).
openssl genrsa -out ethercalc-key.pem 1024
openssl req -new -key ethercalc-key.pem -out certrequest.csr
openssl x509 -req -in certrequest.csr -signkey ethercalc-key.pem -out ethercalc-cert.pem
ethercalc --keyfile ethercalc-key.pem --certfile ethercalc-cert.pem
Useful when running behind a proxy without WebSocket support.
Useful when setting up EtherCalc as a public REST API server.
Useful when running under an URL rewriter.
Offers read-write vs. read-only modes. See issues #1 and #4 for details on setting this up.
Runs a single-thread background loop with vm.createContext
instead of webworker-threads
Useful for running custom functions in server side that requires full VM access.
Deletes a spreadsheet's content after N seconds of inactivity. Activities include accessing with REST API as well as Web UI, including moving the active cell cursor on an opened page.
- socialcalcspreadsheetcontrol.js
- socialcalctableeditor.js
- images/*
- formatnumber2.js
- formula1.js
- socialcalc-3.js
- socialcalcconstants.js
- socialcalcpopup.js
- static/jquery.js
- static/vex-theme-flat-attack.css
- static/vex.combined.min.js
- static/vex.css
- static/jszip.js
- static/shim.js
- static/xlsx.js
- static/xlsxworker.js
- start.html (xlsx2socialcalc.js)
- src/*.ls