
An automated Sharding Stats Dashboard-Server Manager, with which you can host your Shard Stats externally!

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Discord Sharding Stats

An automated Sharding Stats Dashboard-Server Manager, with which you can host your Shard Stats externally!

  • Included Clustering Stats
  • Works with discord.js and discord.js sharding
  • Works with discord.js and discord-hybrid-sharding
  • Works with any other discord lib, via the customPoster Option


npm i --save sharding-stats@latest

Getting started

First of all, you have to create a new File, which can be named server.js.

In the server.js File you will need to insert the Code below, and install the NPM Package express by using npm i express

Scroll down for Api References

File: server.js

const Stats = require('sharding-stats');
const express = require("express");
const app = express();

const StatsServer = new Stats.Server(app, {
    selfHost: false, // set it to true, to "self-host" the stats websites via your APP, by doing StatsServer.getStatsData(); | Data is sent via: "POST /stats" - that endpoint will be automatically assigned by the Server, if your app is a valid APP Server
    bannedUsers: [],
    bot: {
        name: "Your Bot Name",
        icon: "Your Discord Bot Avatar URL",
        website: "Your Website URL",
        client_id: "Discord Bot ID",
        client_secret: "Discord Bot Client_Secret (Not Token)"
    stats_uri: "http://localhost:3000/", //Base URL. Can be IP:PORT or Domains behind a proxy or just a Domain. // https://domain.com | https://repository.username.repl.co | https://server.stats-of-me.xyz
    redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/callback", // Add this same url used here in the "Redirects" section under 0auth2 section of your bot in the dev portal of discord
    owners: ["Bot_Owner1", "Bot_Owner2"],
    authorizationkey: "Your Password for verifying requests",

StatsServer.on('error', console.log)

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Application started, listening on port 3000!");

function receiveStatsDataManually() {
    return StatsServer.getStatsData(); // { raw, pretty }; // (raw|pretty).(shards|total);

You can start now start your Dashboard with node server.js.

Go to the Discord Developer Portal and to Authorization and insert your redirect_uri there

Now go to the stats_uri link or your choosen link and you should be redirected to the Dashboard with no Data.

Pushing Data of your Client on the Dashboard

Follow the upper step before doing this step.

Open your bot.js File, where you login in the Client and insert this:

File: bot.js

const Stats = require('sharding-stats');
// create ur client
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const client = new Client({ intents: [ GatewayIntentBits.Guilds ] });

// send stats without cluster data
const Poster = new Stats.Client(client, {
    stats_uri: 'http://localhost:3000/',
    authorizationkey: "Your Password for verifying requests | Same as in Server.js",


  • What if you want to post your own Shard Data with the opportunity to send MORE and CUSTOMICED Data?
  • Or what if you use a different client, than discord.js ?
  • you can do everything yourself, check out: customPoster

When you start your bot with or without Sharding, the Dashboard should show some information such as Status, Ram, Cpu, Ping, Guildcount and more data of each Shard and of all guilds in total.

API References:

new Server(EXPRESS_APP, config) && new Client(DISCORD_CLIENT, config)

Config Options Default Description
bot.name 'required' The Discord Bot Name
bot.icon 'required' The icon url for the html page
bot.website 'required' The Bot Website on the Footer
bot.client_id 'required' The Discord Bot ID
bot.client_secret 'required' The Discord Bot's Client Secret (Not Token)
stats_uri 'required' The Base Dashboard Link
bannedUsers 'optional' Array of User ids, which are banned from the API Server
selfHost 'false' Boolean, if true, then only the post:/stats will be added to your app for the backend functionality
redirect_uri 'required' The Discord Bot Redirect Url after authorization
scope ['indentify'] Scopes, which should be used for authorization
owners 'required' Array of Bot Owners, which can access the Dashboard
postinterval 5000ms The Post Interval of the new Client data
login_path '/' The Path, where you can authorize yourself for accessing the Dashboard
authorizationkey 'required' A random chosen Password/Key, which is used for verifying requests.
markShardsDeadafter 5000ms How long to wait until the Shard is marked as dead on the Dashboard, when no new Data has been recieved

Have fun! and feel free to contribute/suggest or contact me on my Discord Server or DM me TGA 3.5#8563

Bugs, Glitches and Issues

If you encounter any problems, feel free to open up an issue in our github repository or join our discord server!


Partial Credits goes to ADMIN LTE for a good Starter Template, CSS and the Plugins... Partial Credits goes to @meister03 for creating the first Version


Thanks goes to @tomato6966 for contributing