
RT-qPCR data from the TaqMan Pooling evaluation study conducted at the LSTC

Primary LanguageR


RT-qPCR data from the TaqMan Pooling evaluation study conducted at the LSTC

File Descriptions:

  • Descriptive statistics of Asymp - GraphPad analysis of Asymptomatic (A) pooled (P) and decovoluted (D) samples by ORF1ab (O), Nucleocapsid (N), and Spike (S) genes.
  • Descriptive statistics of Symp - GraphPad analysis of Symptomatic (S) pooled (P) and decovoluted (D) samples by ORF1ab (O), Nucleocapsid (N), and Spike (S) genes.
  • Descriptive statistics of prevalence - GraphPad analysis of monthly prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 reactive tests at LSTC from Aug 2020 to Apr 2021
  • Unpaired t test of All Shift- 1 - GraphPad analysis; independant t-test to compare Ct shift of ORF1ab gene in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic cohorts.
  • Unpaired t test of All Shift- 2 - GraphPad analysis; independant t-test to compare Ct shift of N gene in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic cohorts.
  • Unpaired t test of All Shift- 3 - GraphPad analysis; independant t-test to compare Ct shift of S gene in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic cohorts.
  • raw_data_TaqMan - Ct values for pooled, deconvoluted, and Ct shift for Asymptomatic and Symptomatic samples in XLS format.
  • tf_asymp_R - Ct values for pooled, deconvoluted, and Ct shift for Asymptomatic samples in CSV format for R data analysis.
  • tf_symp_R - Ct values for pooled, deconvoluted, and Ct shift for Symptomatic samples in CSV format for R data analysis.
  • permutation_test_final - R script used to perform permutation test.
  • PlosOne_figures - GraphPad file including all analysis performed on software.