
Server Side Code for Running a StreamLink Implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Documentation for the serverside implementation of StreamLink, a MIT App Inventor Extension designed to allow for video and data transfer between devices across networks.

Quick Info

  • SSL is not currently enabled
  • Passwords are hashed server side
  • Communication between devices and server is handled by socket.io
  • DeviceIDs are currently set client side and are not enforced. This will be changed in the future.


Links are stored in volatile memory of the server do save any message information.

class Link {
    constructor(device_id, link_password) {
        this.owner_id = device_id
        this.link_password = link_password
        this.last_message = new Date().getTime()
        this.link_code = ""

        var code = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 4).toUpperCase()

        // Filter Code

        this.link_code = code


Link codes are 4 alphanumeric characters unique only within a server and are filtered to not contain any inappropriate terms.

Future supports for reserving links is planned, as of now links are randomly assigned to devices. It is also planned for non reserved links to expire after 24 hours.


A client communicates to the server using 3 emits


Creates a new link, or if a link already exists for a device idea return that.

Returns linkcreated


Joins a link if the password and link code match an existing link.

Returns linkjoined


Sends a message to a link.

Returns newmessage