
✋A Telegram Bot for WordPress comments!

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A Telegram Bot for WordPress comments! Simple and fast reply to your comments!


By using this plugin, you agree to open Basic Auth on your WordPress.

Please setup a complex passphrase for your WordPress


  1. WordPress native comment system.

  2. Network connection to Telegram.

General guide

1. Install plugin

ssh to your blog

cd /path/to/root/wp-content/plugins
git clone https://github.com/BennyThink/wp-comments-tgbot

Then navigate to your Plugin and enable WordPress Comments Telegram Bot.

2. Create bot and find your user id

Talk to @BotFather, create your own bot and copy bot token.

Talk to @get_id_bot, get your own user id.

3. Edit configuration on WordPress

Fill in your token, user id and proxy if needed. Alt text

3. Download binary on GitHub Release

GitHub Release

4. Create config

Create your own config.json

  "username": "admin",
  "password": "admin",
  "url": "http://localhost/",
  "token": "907J6Tw",
  "uid": "23231321",
  "admin": 1,
  "tail": "本评论由Telegram Bot回复~❤️"


  • username & password: username and password for WordPress
  • url: site url, must include / as suffix.
  • token: Telegram bot token
  • uid: your Telegram user id
  • admin: your user id in WordPress, typically it should be 1
  • tail: suffix message to your reply.

5. Run

Supply config.json as -c /path/tp/config.json. By default it will search on working directory.

chmod u+x /path/to/bot
/path/to/bot -c /path/to/config.json

cli arguments

  -c file  set configuration file (default "config.json")
  -f      force to run even on http sites.
  -h      this help
  -v      show version and exit


1. No email notifications while replying by telegram bot?

Potentially bug about your theme/plugin. Try to find the code of sending email.

You may find some hook like this: php add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify'); Change comment_post to wp_insert_comment will solve this issue.

Reference commit

