Grand Repository in the Sky : POC implementation of Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based on Chord protocol (see This paper )
The final goal of the project is to deploy a node inside a docker container
Assuming that you already have Go install, with a GOPATH
variable set :
go get
Local demo :
#launch the first node with default parameters (localhost:4321)
go run main.go
#launch the second node on (localhost:4322) and connect to the first one
go run main.go -p 4322 -d 4321
There are web page interface at localhost:4321
and localhost:4322
Docker demo: Assuming you already have docker install :
# get the latest version of a node container
docker pull tgermain/repo_sky:latest
# run the orchestrator
go run webMaster/server.go
The web interface to launch new container is server on localhost:8080
see doc/d7024-lab-report.pdf
- Chord DHT playground
- organize node in ring
- lookup function
- finger table
- 🔧Fully working chord DHT
- separate nodes and makes them communicate
- Manage data when nodes leave or enter the network
- Replication
- Add data to nodes
- Web service
- POST : new key-value pair
- GET : find value of a key
- PUT : update value of a key
- DELETE : delete a key-value pair
- Virtualization
- package a node as a Docker container
- create a web service to setup a Sky network easily
- creating openStack VM
- deploying docker node on it
- visualization
- 🔒(optional) Security and Encryption
to run the playground test :
go test dhtPlayground_test.go dhtPlayground.go -v
- Extract the next real node from the fingers table (fingers[0] became a new atribut of DHTNode)
- implement the function to create finger table (the primitive are already done)
- Add a predecessor node pointer in DHTNode
- Add a graphviz visualization (see func
and testTestGraph
in test3bit_test.go)
New node 4 !
When a node enter the ring, we initialize its fingers table (to be sure that its succesor is (5)) and update the fingers table of its predecessor (2).
Call the method gimmeGraph
on any node, export the result to a file and process with your best graphviz, I recommend circo. circo graph.gv -Tsvg -o viz
for svg output
To avoid the depreciation of all the fingers table after some new nodes join the ring, there's a mecanism to update the fingers table each 5min (pifometric value). Goroutine ?
Done :
- Handle when a node quit the ring (not gracefuly)
- semaphore for critical part (predecessor, successor maybe others ...)
- Make a library to send/receive messages
- Do logs (with timestamps, colors ?)
- Modify the existing code to make stuffs work
- What lookup can/should/actually return
- Ring stabilization
- heartBeat
- All methods which return a
must return an id and we have to perform alookup(id)
###launch parameters DONE
- (IP, PORT of an existing node)
- (ID)
###message format
- origin (first emiter of the message)
- IP
- Port
- Destination
- IP
- Port
- type of operation :
Work in progress (Al):
- Get requests and show brutal infos 🐗 yeah BRUTAL ! :)
- Web client
- Web controls
Done :
- Multiple instances server
- Graph interface
facebook duplicate data of one node on 2 other nodes : enough !
- Data place on node A is replicated to A.successor and A.predecessor
- Special case when there is:
- only 1 node -> data are not replicated
- only 2 node -> data are only replicated to the predecessor
- DataReplication
- methods in node.go to add, retreive, modify and delete a (key-value) data
- new messages :
Problem with openStach API -> we did not use it.
###Docker usage See the docker file to see how the image is built.
Important : due to the dynamic connection of the node on the same virtual machine (it's not a use case), we do not isolate the network interface of containers. They all use the host network interface via NetworkMode: "host"
when starting a container.