
Adds functionality for storing DateTimeOffset properties in SQLite databases, using the SQLite.Net-PCL library.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Adds functionality for storing DateTimeOffset properties in SQLite databases, using the SQLite.Net-PCL library.

The library consists of a .NET attribute to be used for flagging properties in data model classes, and a post-build task that registers itself automatically to the project when installed as NuGet package. The post-build task decompiles the assembly after build has finished, scans all classes within the assembly to find all properties of type DateTimeOffset that are flagged with the [SQLite.Net.DateTimeOffset.Attributes.DateTimeOffsetSerialize] attribute, and inserts a duplicate property of type string that contains the original property's serialized value, and will be used as SQLite field.


Simplest example

public class Entity
	public DateTimeOffset Column { get; set; }

This sample code will produce a table with one column of type text, containing the Column property's content in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzzz.

Specifying column name

public class Entity
	public DateTimeOffset Column { get; set; }

To specify the target column name, just flag the original DateTimeOffset property with the SQLite.Net.Attributes.Column attribute as usual, the column name will be applied to the auto-generated text column.

Specifying serialization format

public class Entity
	[DateTimeOffsetSerialize("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss zzzz")]
	public DateTimeOffset Column { get; set; }

To store the DateTimeOffset value using a certain string format, just pass the desired format as parameter to the DateTimeOffsetSerialize attribute.

Store value as DateTime and string

public class Entity
	[DateTimeOffsetSerialize(keepOriginal: true)]
	public DateTimeOffset Column { get; set; }

By specifying the DateTimeOffsetSerialize attribute's keepOriginal constructor parameter, it is possible to ensure that two columns will be generated: One containing the DateTimeOffset value as text (as described above), and one containing the original DateTimeOffset value converted to UTC as number representing ticks. This can be useful, if the DateTimeOffset value shall be used for database queries (e.g., sorting by date), which would not be possible with only the text column.


public class Entity
	[DateTimeOffsetSerialize("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss zzzz", true)]
	public DateTimeOffset Column { get; set; }

In general, all attribute options can be combined. If specifying the column name using the SQLite.Net.Attributes.Column attribute, and using the keepOriginal parameter, the given column name will be applied to the UTC DateTime column, and the text column will be assigned the same name with the suffix _Serialized.