
Scrapes chrome inspect for android tabs

NOTE: Site must be accessed with browser other than Chrome to make way for puppeteer chrome instance.

WARNING: USING NON DEV CHROME INSTANCE COULD RESULT IN UNKNOWN PROBLEMS. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. DELETE argument executablePathin puppeteer launch to use chromium instead. DELETE argument userDataDir to not use your chrome data folder(may not yield any tabs data).

Create .env file in application root folder containing:
CHROMEPATH=[relative path to chrome.exe]
CHROMEUSERDATEPATH=[relative path to chrome user data]

Run an instance of MongoDB server in a seperate terminal using
1. Connect your computer with your Android phone via USB
2. Enable USB debugging on the phone. NOTE: the first time you run the scrape, you may have to accept the debug connection manually on your phone
3. Type node server.js from the application root folder
4. Navigate to localhost:3001 (in non-chrome browser)
5. Chrome tabs will appear in a list with title and url
6. Notes can be saved to each tab entry