
An boilerplate for an Express/MySQL API

Primary LanguageTypeScript


If you want to skip right to hacking, jump to our Getting Started section. Otherwise, keep on reading to learn how to set up a similar API.



You are familiar with REST APIs, MVC, and TypeScript, but maybe inexperienced with Object-Oriented Programming.

You want to develop a robust object-oriented REST API that scales.


In 30 minutes, we will introduce you to "SOLID" object-oriented principles, Dependency Injection (DI), and how to organize your large TypeScript projects using:

  • Express,
  • Inversify,
  • Inversify Express Utils,
  • TypeOrm.


Before cloning this repository, you should familiarize yourself with some concepts. First, reacquaint yourself with TypeScript and REST architechure. Then read these three articles:

  1. "Bulletproof node.js project architecture"
    • This article will explain how and why you should use our particular flavor of MVC.
  2. "S.O.L.I.D: The First 5 Principles of Object Oriented Design"
    • This article will teach best practices for object-oriented programming.
  3. "Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection Pattern" up until the section "Using a Service Locator"
    • This article will teach you about Dependency Injection.

You now understand the theory behind this project. Get the documentation for inversify, inveresify-express-utils, and typeorm, clone this repository, and hack away!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


This project uses Docker. If you haven't already, install Docker and then Docker Compose. Note, you may have to restart your computer after these installations.


Once you have Docker set up, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/tgiardina/typescript-typeorm-realworld-example-app.git;
cd typescript-typeorm-realworld-example-app;

You will now need to create your environment variables for the project. To start, init .env files for both your development and test environments:

cp config/dev/.env.example config/dev/.env
cp config/test/.env.example config/test/.env

Edit these files if you'd like. You can now spin up the project using

docker-compose -f scripts/dev/docker-compose.yml -f scripts/general/docker-compose.yml up

and the tests using

docker-compose -f scripts/test/docker-compose.yml -f scripts/general/docker-compose.yml up

Both use nodemon, so they will automatically update whenever you make changes in src or tests.


  1. Conform to the RealWorld API specs.
  2. Follow industry best practices -- REST, MVC, OOP, DI, and database normalization.
  3. Remain as minimal as possible.
  4. Provide users with the resources necessary to
    1. know when to use a similar setup,
    2. know how to build a similar setup.