
Form implemented as a React Component, meant to work as a configuration form for another project: MQTT Redux Chart

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MQTT Chart Config Form

Form implemented as a React Component, meant to work as a configuration form for another project: MQTT Redux Chart


This repository is just temporal. You should clone or download it, take the source code and include it inside the master project.

The "Sauce"

To use the component in other project you will probably just need the modules/mqtt-chart-config-form directory and it's content.

You will also need to be sure to met the following dependencies:

  • react
  • redux-form

Note: more details can be found inside package.json

You will probably need to transpilate most of the code. You can use Babel for this. You will also need a saas compilator for the stylesheet. Finally, you can pack everything using webpack.

Then, What are all the other files for?

You can use the rest of the files:

  • to get some ideas of how to use the component in a bigger project
  • to use as a scaffolding for bigger projects
  • to run the code in a browser and evaluate how it works and looks (you can execute npm run dev for this or run it using webpack-dev-server)


Import the component like this:

import MqttChartConfigForm from

Note: the exact path could depend on the location for the file where you are making the import. The above code considers you are doing the import inside a file in the root directory.

Then include it as a child component like this:

    <MqttChartConfigForm />

Note: ` is just an example.


The following optional props can be used when using the MqttChartConfigForm tag:

  • xAxisTitle
  • yAxisTitle
  • yAxisMinValue
  • yAxisMaxValue


  <MqttChartConfigForm xAxisTitle="Year" yAxisTitle="Revenue" />

Form Submission

The main purpose of the form is to allow the user to set configuration parameters for the MQTT Chart and then modify the behavior of that chart with those parameters. For that, the following action is dispatched:


And the value for each parameter is included inside the data property of that action.


  data: {
      xAxisTitle: 'time',
      yAxisTitle: 'temperature',
      yAxisMinValue: 10,
      yAxisMaxValue: 40

A reducer can consume this action and adjust the chart state accordingly.


ESLinter is being used, with the following presets:

  • eslint:recommended"
  • plugin:react/recommended"
  • airbnb

Note: airbnb preset is very restrictive, but it helps to achieve a very clean and readable code. It's also a very common preset for serious projects.


All text was written in English or translated from Spanish to English, because in the future the whole final project (MQTT Redux Chart) could be open source.