
Alfred Workflow that extracts src attribute value from iframe tag

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SRC attribute value from iframe

Alfred Workflow that extracts src attribute value from iframe tag


I have this in my clipboard:

<iframe frameborder="0" style="width:100%;height:207px" src="https://www.draw.io/?chrome=0&db=0&od=0#G0B42SiLJg-CebR0o0UFZ1cWExODQ"></iframe>

And I want to get this:


How to use

  1. Copy some iframe tag into the clipboard
  2. Open Alfred
  3. Type isrc
  4. If all goes well you’ll receive a notification and the src value of the iframe will be on your clipboard ready to be pasted somewhere


You can download it at packal.org

  1. Download the latest release here
  2. Extract the zip or tar.gz file
  3. Inside the extracted folder, double click src-from-iframe.alfredworkflow

Use Case:

When an app gives you an iframe embed code and you just want the URL