
This application requires:

  • Ruby 2.4.1
  • Rails 5.2.1
  • Postgres 10.5

Database Setup

To set up the database, log into your Postgres server using psql and run:

create role url_shortener with createdb login password 'password';

Once the role has been created, create the db and migrate it with:

rake db:create

rake db:migrate


There is a suite of model, controller and lib tests. The entire test suite can be run with: rails test


This application has never been deployed. However, depending on the scalability desired, it might be deployed as follows:

  • The Postgres server can be run on it's own host, possibly sharded if desired.
  • This Rails app could be containerized using docker or vagrant. This would allow horizontal scaling on demand as loads increase.
  • The application can be set up behind Kubernetes for container management and load balancing