
Accelerate ResNet by removing its residual branches while maintaining its accuracy using knowledge distillation.

Primary LanguagePython

ResNet with No Res

Accelerating ResNet by removing its residual branch


ResNet is a commonly used backbone network for many vision tasks. Its superior performance come from its residual structure, which solved the vanishing gradient problem. Although residual branches are benificial during training, they result in additional time cost during forward inferencing. Our Experiments showed that these residual branches can be removed using knowledge distillation, resulting in a rather small accuracy reduction while accelerating the network during inference. Similar methods can be applied to any network with branches like ResNet (Inception series, for example) and might be useful (need further experiments to prove this).

About This Project

Libraries Required

CUDA = 10.1 (optional but recommended)
Python = 3.8.3
Numpy = 1.18.1
Pytorch = 1.5.0
TensorboardX = 2.2.1 & Tensorflow = 2.2.0 (optional)

All libraries were installed using Anaconda2 except Tensorflow, which was installed using Pip.
Numpy and CUDA will be installed automatically while installing Pytorch. Try conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
TensorboardX is used for visualizing training losses and accuracies, and Tensorflow is installed to support TensorboardX.
Other libraries were installed by Anaconda2 automatically.
Other versions of these libraries might also work for you. But I can't guarantee that.

Run a simple test demo

Use the following command to run a simple test demo.
The two models in {$project_root_dir}/models/ResNet-20/ will be tested on CIFAR100 dataset.
cd {$project_root_dir}
python ResNet_Distillation.py

Project Files

This project consists of three python scripts.


ResNet_Distillation.py is the main script. It contains dataset loading, train settings, test settings, etc.
ResNet.py defines a set of standard ResNets modified according to the ResNet paper to suit the CIFAR100 dataset.
ResNet_plain.py defines a corresponding set of ResNets without residual branches, "plain ResNet" for short.
The latter two scripts are modified based on the official ResNet implementationprovided by Pytorch.

Training method

We used a 2-stage training method to obtain a plain ResNet.
In the first stage, we train the stardard ResNet on CIFAR100.
In the second stage, we use the model from the first stage to supervise the training of the plain ResNet. To be more specific, we divide the plain ResNet natually into 3 stages (by the downsampling layer), and we train them one by one. For each stage, we train to make its output feacher map as similar to the standard ResNet's output as possible. To measure the similarity between two output feature maps, we use a per pixel loss, which is the manhattan distance between the two tensors. Each loss is responsible for training the one stage just before it. Finally, after the three stages are well trained, we fine-tune the whole plain ResNet for a few epoches. Refer to the image below for a better understanding of this procedure. Residual Structure Training Structure

Experiment Results

Results ResNet-18 ResNet-18-Plain ResNet-20 ResNet-20-Plain
Accuracy 48.07% 48.49% 59.98% 57.67%
Inference Time(s) 1.119 0.818 0.218 0.198

ResNet-18 is the original implementation for ImageNet, which has 4 stages and 64-256 channels.
ResNet-20 is specially designed for CIFAR dataset, which has only 3 stages and 16-64 channels. That's why it's faster than ResNet-18.
The inference time is the total inference time on the CIFAR100 test set, with batch size = 1024 for ResNet-20.
I also tried ResNet-101 with 3 stages, but it seems that 3 stages is not enough for such deep network. The result is either not converging or getting a rather low accuracy, which is probably the results of the final fine-tune procedure in my point of view.


Special thanks to my senior Xin Ye for the basic idea of this project and his pungent advices.
Special thanks to my college for providing all the resources and experimental environment in this project.