
A tool for developing jade frontends without the frontend

Primary LanguageClojure


Lovely nephrite

A Clojure library designed to help design jade templates with as little hassle as possible. The idea is, you execute the app and point it towards the base folder of your jade and resource files. It then servers the translated jade files, feeding them with data from the _data folder in the same base directory.

The example project included with the source of the projects demonstrates how the files can be organised to be found by nephrite. The file structure is as follows:

index.jade          A jade file
nephrite.jpg        A lovely image
_data/index.json    The data used to feed into index.jade

Any non-jade files will be served statically.

nephrite uses clj-jade by Ryan Greenhall for generating html from jade files.


If you have the project cloned, you can run it using lein by, from the checked out source folder, issuing

lein run --folder <base folder>

This will start the nephrite process, which will look for jade and resource files in the base folder, and serve them on port 8000 by default.

The example project shipped with the source can be served by issuing

lein run --folder example/

And pointing your browser towards localhost:8000/index.jade.

If you do not have lein, or if you're giving the tool to a non-Clojure developer, you can pack it up as an uberjar

lein uberjar

and run the jar directly from the command line

java -jar nephrite-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar --folder <base folder>


Copyright © 2013 Thomas G. Kristensen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.