Instacart Lite

Getting Started

To install dependencies, run the following:

npm install

After the dependencies are installed, you can run locally:

npm run dev


This application relies on the JavaScript web framework NextJS.

NextJS uses the file system as an API. Thus, all files contained in pages are urls, corresponding to their name.

For example, pages/index.js maps to "/". pages/apply.js maps to "/apply.";

For styling, the library material-ui was used, along with application of Flexbox principles. The styles are contained in the .scss file styles/landing.scss;

NextJS uses Webpack to bundle styles and client code together. Some unique components that it utilizes are the Head, Link, and Router APIs.

NextJS top-level components also utilize a getInitialProps API which works on both client and server side.

This application utilizes Cookies for both client- and server-side user sessions.