
Assemblies - where developers connect

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Build React Native tutorial app

to run Rails app

  • cd into buildRN repo
  • bundle install - make sure all the dependencies are installed properly, including Postgresql
  • rake db:create
  • rake db:migrate
  • rake db:seed - this seeds the fixtures in the database
  • rails server

To add fixtures

  • go to buildRN/db/seeds.rb and add another chapter (follow the examples)

React components

  • React components are located in buildRN/app/assets/javascripts/components

Adding NPM packages

  • it's possible, but tricky - this involves placing the file in the asset pipeline (more spec later)

Testing the database

  • Open a separate terminal window go to the root of the Rails app and type rails c or rails console
  • You can then check the database - i.e., Chapter.all, Chapter.first, Chapter.find(title: 'Hello World'), etc.