
Scripts to monitor your organization's OpenAI API token usage and cost per user

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to monitor your organization's OpenAI API token usage and cost per user.


  1. git clone https://github.com/dav-ell/toktrack.git
  2. Get your organization ID from here: https://platform.openai.com/account/org-settings
  3. Get your API key from here: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
  4. Put those in the config.json file.
  5. Run python3 usage.py
  6. A JSON file will be created for each user in your organization, with contents like this:
    "object": "user",
    "id": "user-<id>",
    "name": "<name>",
    "email": "<email>",
    "picture": "<url>",
    "usage": {
        "object": "list",
        "data": [
                "aggregation_timestamp": "<timestamp>",
                "n_requests": 1,
                "operation": "completion",
                "snapshot_id": "gpt-4-0314",
                "n_context": 1,
                "n_context_tokens_total": 1584,
                "n_generated": 1,
                "n_generated_tokens_total": 156
                "aggregation_timestamp": "<timestamp>",
                "n_requests": 1,
                "operation": "completion",
                "snapshot_id": "gpt-4-0314",
                "n_context": 1,
                "n_context_tokens_total": 1638,
                "n_generated": 1,
                "n_generated_tokens_total": 458
                "aggregation_timestamp": "<timestamp>",
                "n_requests": 1,
                "operation": "completion",
                "snapshot_id": "gpt-4-0314",
                "n_context": 1,
                "n_context_tokens_total": 415,
                "n_generated": 1,
                "n_generated_tokens_total": 287
        "ft_data": [],
        "dalle_api_data": [],
        "whisper_api_data": [],
        "current_usage_usd": 0.0
    "total_cost": 1.8453899999999999,
    "daily_costs": {
        "2023-06-01": 0.68382,
        "2023-06-02": 0.06273,
        "2023-06-03": 0.053279999999999994,
        "2023-06-04": 0.0,
        "2023-06-05": 0.13208999999999999,
        "2023-06-06": 0.7503,
        "2023-06-07": 0.16316999999999998