
Highly configurable bootstrap integration for meteor.

Primary LanguageHTML

Bootstrap for meteor

This package integrates bootstrap into meteor and lets you configure what parts you need.

How to install

  1. execute meteor add nemo64:bootstrap less
  2. create an empty custom.bootstrap.json file somewhere in your project. (/client/lib/custom.bootstrap.json for example)
  3. start meteor and then edit the file you just created (see custom.bootstrap.json).
  4. (optional) edit custom.bootstrap.import.less which now appeared next to the json file


This file is to configure which bootstrap parts you need in your project. Set those you like to true! If the file is empty, it will be filled for with the following content:

{"modules": {
  "normalize":            true,
  "print":                false,

  "scaffolding":          false,
  "type":                 false,
  "code":                 false,
  "grid":                 false,
  "tables":               false,
  "forms":                false,
  "buttons":              false,

  "glyphicons":           false,
  "button-groups":        false,
  "input-groups":         false,
  "navs":                 false,
  "navbar":               false,
  "breadcrumbs":          false,
  "pagination":           false,
  "pager":                false,
  "labels":               false,
  "badges":               false,
  "jumbotron":            false,
  "thumbnails":           false,
  "alerts":               false,
  "progress-bars":        false,
  "media":                false,
  "list-group":           false,
  "panels":               false,
  "wells":                false,
  "close":                false,

  "component-animations": false,
  "dropdowns":            false,
  "modals":               false,
  "tooltip":              false,
  "popovers":             false,
  "carousel":             false,
  "affix":                false,
  "alert":                false,
  "button":               false,
  "collapse":             false,
  "scrollspy":            false,
  "tab":                  false,
  "transition":           false,

  "utilities":            false,
  "responsive-utilities": false


This package is licensed with the MIT license. Also, look at the Bootstrap license.


This package is based on and inspired by the bootstrap3-less package. I created a new repository because it takes a completely different approach now which is also incompatible.