A very simple script to connect locast to Plex's live tv/dvr feature.
- alancurtis2
- CTJohnKBrookfield, CT
- danieltdavis
- deathbybandaidDeathbybandaid
- Dudeman456
- fencerf
- funarBlind Left Eye Studios
- gregfaustGreat Falls, VA
- jepaceSF Bay Area, CA
- jhthorp
- joelst@Microsoft @MicrosoftDocs @Azure
- jspanitz
- key-str0ke
- larry5601
- lclark78
- libersongm
- m1lkman
- mikedizzle
- mschmittfl
- ookla-ariel-ride
- policy-wonk
- purduepeteMicrosoft
- rkendry
- rocelWHM
- rpIII
- schmegs75
- scottsisco@FredHutch
- scumolaBoulder, Co
- tgorgdotcomPennsylvania
- tharris9d9d Interactive
- tlbjrOut west, but not that far west
- wdreiling