
A Mailgun api library for C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Maintainer needed!

I don't use this library anymore, thus I am not tracking the needed updates and changes. It needs a maintainer. Please reach out if you would like to take over or become an admin level collaborator.


A Mailgun API library for C#

Made with inspiration from the Mailgun-php implementation, this library wraps the Mailgun HTTP API for easy use in C# applications.


You can download the source and build it using VS2013, or use Nuget Install-Package mailgun_csharp and the ASP.net package (if needed) Install-Package mailgun_csharp.AspNet.Identity

Basic usage

The current implementation supports creating a MessageService and sending Messages. A Message can be created manually or you can use the recommended MessageBuilder.

     var mg = new MessageService(ApiKey);
     //var mg = new MessageService(ApiKey,false); //you can specify to use SSL or not, which determines the url API scheme to use
     //var mg = new MessageService(ApiKey,false,"api.mailgun.net/v3"); //you can also override the base URL, which defaults to v2

     //build a message
     var message = new MessageBuilder()
          .AddToRecipient(new Recipient
                    Email = "bringking@gmail.com",
                    DisplayName = "Charlie King"
          .SetSubject("Plain text test")
          .SetFromAddress(new Recipient {Email = "bringking@gmail.com", DisplayName = "Mailgun C#"})
          .SetTextBody("This is a test")

     var content = await mg.SendMessageAsync(Domain, message);

The current Message object supports all the options listed in the Mailgun documentation here

ASP.net Identity Usage

The new ASP.net Identity system supports the addition of an IIdentityMessageService for sending authorization emails. The Mailgun.AspNet.Identity package has an implementation for use with your Mailgun account. Usage would be something like this-

     //wherever you initialize your user manager
    _userManager = new UserManager<IdentityUser, string>(store);
    //simple usage
    _userManager.EmailService = new MailgunMessageService("domain","apiKey");

The above configuration will send plain text emails using the specified domain and apiKey over SSL. For more options, you can pass in an IMailgunMessageServiceOptions object, to specify any custom rackspace configuration options you might have.

     //wherever you initialize your user manager
    _userManager = new UserManager<IdentityUser, string>(store);
    //advanced usage
    _userManager.EmailService = new MailgunMessageService(new MailgunMessageServiceOptions
                ApiKey = "",
                Domain = "",
                TestMode = true,
                Tracking = true,
                TrackingClicks = true,
                TrackingOpen = true,
                UseDkim = true,
                DefaultHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>{{"X-Some-Custom-Header","Custom"}},
                DefaultTags = new Collection<string>{"AuthorizationEmails"},
                BaseUrlOverride = "api.mailgun.net/v3" //use a different base URL


There is much more to do, but on the plate next are-

  • Stored Messages
  • Events