
Collection of functions related with dynamical systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Collection of functions related with dynamical systems

The main utilities of this package are

  • Create chaotic iterations
  • Build fractals in complex plane


git clone https://github.com/tgquintela/ChaosFunctions

Required extra packages

  • pythonUtils
git clone https://github.com/tgquintela/pythonUtils


  • Chaotic series
from ChaosFunctions.chaotic_evolution import Iterator
iter_f = lambda x: x/2 if x%2==0 else 3*x+1
stop_f = lambda x: x[-1] == 1
it = Iterator(iter_f, stop_f)
sequence = it.iterate_sequence(124)
fig = plot_sequence(sequence)
  • Build a fractal
import numpy as np
from ChaosFunctions.fractals import FractalBuilder, mandelbrot_iter
ns, itermax, limits = (1000, 1000), 400, np.array([[-2, .5], [-1.25, 1.25]])
fb = FractalBuilder(mandelbrot_iter, p0_mandelbrot)
img = fb.build_fractal(ns, limits, itermax)
fig = fb.export_fractal(img, 'prueba')