The monitoring infrastructure consists of several components, wrapped in docker containers:
- collects and stores metricstessera
- dashboard server (project page), connecting to graphite server insidemetrics-server
- dashboard server (project page), connecting to riemann insidemetrics-server
You can but don't have to start all dashboards, you can pick the one you prefer.
To start the container, run:
sudo docker run -d \
-p 5556:5556 \
-p 25826:25826/udp \
-p 80:80 \
-it scylladb/scylla-monitoring:metrics-server
The following ports are exposed:
port | service |
5556/tcp | riemann |
25826/udp | collectd |
80/tcp | graphite web GUI |
You can enable Scylla to write metrics to it using command line arguments like this:
scylla --collectd=1 --collectd-address=
The data flow between components is as follows:
-> collectd -> riemann -> graphite
riemann is configured to aggregate Seastar and Scylla metrics. The naming convention for aggregated metrics is:
- for sharded metrics:
- for aggregating metrics from all hosts:
Not all metrics are being aggregated yet. For the full list see metrics-server/riemann.config.
Examples of aggregated metrics:
- average load for all shardstransport/total_requests-requests_served
- requests_served summed up from all shards
Metrics are stored by graphite inside carbon and retained for 1 hour with 1 second precision.
To start it, run:
sudo docker run -d \
-p 8081:80 \
-it scylladb/scylla-monitoring:tessera
The command above, when setting GRAPHITE_URL, assumes that the graphite web server
from metrics-server
is available on local port 80
. Note that the host name
must be reachable from your browser, not just the machine on which you run
After staring the container, you can navigate to http://localhost:8081/ in your browser.
The image is equipped with a pre-configured dashboard for monitoring Scylla: http://localhost:8081/dashboards/12/scylla.
For more info on using tessera check here.
To start it, run:
sudo docker run -d -p 4567:4567 -it scylladb/scylla-monitoring:riemann-dash
Then navigate to http://localhost:4567/ in your browser. You will find several pre-configured dashboards there.
Note that the GUI by default tries to connect to riemann (from metrics-server
) on
. This address must be reachable from your browser.
For more information on riemann-dashboard check here.
Each dashboard has some strong and weak points. Here are some hints on which one fits your purpose best.
Tessera connects to graphite to get data, so it's able to show historical data. Riemann dashboard works on current event stream, so it will show only data it received since the dashboard was switched on.
Tessera updates graphs every minute by default. The period can be lowered to 30 seconds, but not less. Riemann dashboard updates graphs every second, so it's more convenient for ad-hoc monitoring in real-time.
Tessera dashboards are interactive, you can hover over the graph and get precise metric values for given time point. You can't do that in riemann-dash.
Tessera graphs are adjusting units on the scale according to the range shown (eg. 1G instead of 1000000000), riemann-dash doesn't do that.
To start all containers locally, just run ./
To build docker images run: