4x AJAX Combo Challenge

Four times together kicking API JSON and rapid turning website glory! Joining together with AJAX to display:

  1. What's your favorite movie? (Open Movie Database API)
  2. Should I walk or drive? (Forecast.io Weather API)
  3. Can I share a bike? (City Bikes API)
  4. Did everyone submit homework? (Github API)


Please clone this repo.

For each challenge:

  1. Open the relevant index.html in your browser, and launch your Chrome Javascript Console.
    • Make sure you're working in the right folder!
  2. Browse the API documentation and figure out what endpoint you need to hit.
  3. Use jQuery's ajax method to fetch JSON from the API endpoint.
  4. Process the results.
  5. Render the page.

We encourage you to work together and be creative! There is no one way to solve these challenges.