A library that helps managing `Effect` identifiers when using "The Composable Architecture" (TCA)
- alexito4LifeWorks
- artemelianov
- BastianKusserowGermany
- bradhowesSquarepoint Capital
- chriswebb09@Esri
- crelies@ A Siemens company
- DandyLyons
- ebigram
- engali94Where there are bits and bytes
- farhanadjiJakarta, Indonesia
- getogrand@EineBlume
- gohanlonPortland, OR
- harrthoBerlin
- krzysztofzablocki@thebrowsercompany
- kylehowells
- m4pEvenly GmbH
- malcolmkmdSouth Africa
- manmalCreative Pragmatics GmbH
- maximkrouk@Revolut-mobile
- netspencer@delphi-ai
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- p-larson@payready
- patricklafleurTouchTunes / Sentiers Trans Quebec Trails / Sentiers Trans Ontario Trails / Création Objet inc.
- RakhimjonIMV Axborot Texnologilari Markazi
- ricardopsantosLisbon (Portugal)
- robfeldmannBig Nerd Ranch
- rurzamicropixels
- Schaltfehler
- shawnkohSingapore
- smicStephan Michels Softwareentwicklung und Beratung
- tkersey@thisisartium
- trispo
- txbrown@yonkolevel
- ybappsLake Oswego, OR
- zboralskiBelua
- znuamaan