
Unity WebGL Package For Speech Synthesis

Primary LanguageBatchfile


The WebGL for Speech Synthesis package is available in the Unity Asset Store. Online documentation is available.

See Also

Supported Platforms

Note: WebGL builds use the built-in browser to use the Speech API on PC/Mac/Android/iOS. In order to use the Speech API in standalone builds and in the Unity Editor, you will need to configure and run the free Speech Proxy.


The demo scenes have game objects to support the WebGL Plugins and the Speech Proxy.


With the Speech Proxy running, open a browser tab that relays Speech API calls to and from the browser.


Only the WebGL Speech package in the Unity Asset Store has example scenes that show using Speech Detection and Speech Synthesis together.


The WebGL for Speech Synthesis package is created for Unity version 5.3 or better. This includes support for Unity 2017.X, 2018.X, 2019.X, and 2021.X. This package was originally created for the WebGL platform and supports other platforms using a Speech Proxy. This package requires a browser with the built-in Web Speech API, like Chrome. Synthesis requires an Internet connection. Check the browser compatibility to see which browsers implemented the Speech API.

Tested Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari


1.0 - Initial creation of the project

1.1 - Added support for Speech Proxy

1.2 - Minor fixes

1.3 - Added support for speech synthesis in edit mode

1.4 - Added support for MacOS for play-mode and edit-mode

1.5 - Added example without GUI

1.6 - Added buffering for language data

1.7 - Cleaned up sample code

1.8 - Updated sample scenes to use default 5000 port

1.9 - Added support for 2018.1 and 2019.1.

1.10 - Added support for 2020.X

1.11 - Added support for 2021.X

1.12 - Added support for iOS 16.3.1


Demo 01 Unity Speech Synthesis


This document can be accessed in Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Readme.pdf or use the menuitem GameObject->WebGLSpeechSynthesis->Online Documentation


  • To avoid constant Microphone security prompts, host WebGL builds on secure HTTPS sites. Take a look at the online demos to see how that works.

  • Speech can work on mobile as a WebGL build. Launch the Chrome browser app on mobile and load your WebGL page in the Chrome app.

  • WebGL can take a long while to build. For faster development, try the Speech Proxy. This enables speech in the editor and standalone Windoows/Mac builds without the long wait times.

  • Sometimes the browser speech mechanism can crash. It can happen. If speech stops working, just close all of the browser windows and relaunch which should fix the issue.

Note: In December of 2018, Chrome added a speech restriction that the speak() method can't be invoked until a web page has some user interaction.


  • The WebGLSpeechSynthesis plugin now adds a full page div named divActivateSpeechAPI that initializes the Speech API when clicked to work around the new browser security. An alternative div element named divActivateSpeechAPI can be added to the HTML5 page if you want to customize the visual look of this user interaction. image_13

  • WebGL builds require iOS 15.5 or greater. Earlier versions will report a memory access violation.

  • Unity 2021.X or later introduced a build issue when plugins use Unicode. Use the latest Unity 2021.X package from the Unity Asset Store rather than upgrading from an earlier package.

Sample Scenes

These sample scenes are located in the Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/ folder:

1 Scenes/Example01Synthesis - Uses WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin to do speech synthesis

2 Scenes/Example02Proxy - Uses ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin to do speech synthesis

3 Scenes/Example03ProxyManagement - Management methods for launching and modifying the proxy

4 Scenes/Example04SbaitsoClone - Clone of a classic text to speech demo

These sample scenes are located in the Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Editor/ folder:

5 Example05PanelSynthesis.cs - Unity editor panel for speech synthesis that works in play mode and edit mode

These sample scenes are located in the Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/ folder:

6 Scenes/Example06NoGUI - Speech synthesis example without a GUI

7 Scenes/Example07Buttons - Speech synthesis where buttons uses random voices


Synthesis modes use the same API interface other than where the instance comes from.

WebGL Mode

The WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin uses native synthesis only for the WebGL platform.

ISpeechSynthesisPlugin speechSynthesisPlugin = WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin.GetInstance();

WebGL mode requires a WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin gameobject in the scene which can be created from the GameObject->WebGLSpeechSynthesis->Create WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin menu item.

Proxy Mode

The ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin uses a Speech Proxy to do speech synthesis for non-WebGL platforms.

ISpeechSynthesisPlugin speechSynthesisPlugin = ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin.GetInstance();

Proxy mode requires a ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin gameobject in the scene which can be created from the GameObject->WebGLSpeechSynthesis->Create ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin menu item.

Also a Speech Proxy needs to be running for Proxy mode to work.

The Proxy Port is assigned by the ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin gameobject with the inspector and needs to match the port used by the Speech Proxy.


Quick Start

1 Switch to the WebGL platform in `Build Settings


2 Create one WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin GameObject in the scene with the menu GameObject->WebGLSpeechSynthesis->Create WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugion


3 (Optional) You may need a voices dropdown in your UI, use the menuitem GameObject->WebGLSpeechSynthesis->Create Voices Dropdown


4 At this point you should have a scene with the WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin, and (optionally) a voices dropdown added to the canvas.


5 Create a custom MonoBehaviour script to use the WebGLSpeechSynthesis API

6 Add a using statement to get access to the WebGLSpeechSynthesis namespace

using UnityWebGLSpeechSynthesis;

Speech Synthesis Plugin Quick Setup

7 Add a reference for WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin to the script

/// <summary>
/// Reference to the plugin
/// </summary>
private ISpeechSynthesisPlugin _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin = null;

8 In the start event check if the plugin is available.

// Use this for initialization
IEnumerator Start()
    // get singleton instance
    _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin = WebGLSpeechSynthesisPlugin.GetInstance();
    if (null == _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin)
        Debug.LogError("WebGL Speech Synthesis Plugin is not set!");
        yield break;

    // wait for proxy to become available
    while (!_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.IsAvailable())
        yield return null;

Speak Quick Setup

9 Add a field to hold the utterance that will be spoken

/// <summary>
/// Reference to the utterance which holds the voice and text to speak
/// </summary>
private SpeechSynthesisUtterance _mSpeechSynthesisUtterance = null;

10 Create an instance of SpeechSynthesisUtterance

// Create an instance of SpeechSynthesisUtterance
_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.CreateSpeechSynthesisUtterance((utterance) =>
    //Debug.LogFormat("Utterance created: {0}", utterance._mReference);
    _mSpeechSynthesisUtterance = utterance;

11 Speak the utterance

// Cancel if already speaking

// Set the text that will be spoken
_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.SetText(_mSpeechSynthesisUtterance, _mInputField.text);

// Use the plugin to speak the utterance

Voice Selection Quick Setup

12 Add a field to hold the available voices

/// <summary>
/// Reference to the supported voices
/// </summary>
private VoiceResult _mVoiceResult = null;

13 Use the plugin to get the available voices

_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.GetVoices((voiceResult) =>
    _mVoiceResult = voiceResult;

14 Select the desired voice from the voice result

if (null != _mVoiceResult &&
    null != _mVoiceResult.voices)
    for (int i = 0; i < _mVoiceResult.voices.Length; ++i)
        Voice voice = _mVoiceResult.voices[i];
        if (null == voice)
        // select voice by display name
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice.display))
        // select voice by name
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(voice.name))

15 Set the voice on the utterance

_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.SetVoice(_mSpeechSynthesisUtterance, voice);

16 Set text on the utterance and call Speak

// Set the text that will be spoken
_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.SetText(_mSpeechSynthesisUtterance, text);

// Use the plugin to speak the utterance

Proxy Management

17 Launch the Speech Proxy

// get the singleton instance
_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin = ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin.GetInstance();

// check the reference to the plugin
if (null != _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin)
    // launch the proxy

18 Set Proxy Port

int port = 5000;

19 Open Browser Tab


20 Close Browser Tab


21 Close Proxy


Detect Synthesis On End Events

22 After the plugin is initialized, subscribe to SynthesisOnEnd events.

// Use this for initialization
IEnumerator Start()
 _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin = SpeechSynthesisUtils.GetInstance();
 if (null == _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin)
  Debug.LogError("Speech Synthesis Plugin is not set!");
  yield break;

 // subscribe to events

23 The SynthesisOnEnd callback will fire when Speak() completes

void HandleSynthesisOnEnd(SpeechSynthesisEvent speechSynthesisEvent)

Set A Default Voice

/// <summary>
/// Speak the utterance
/// </summary>
public void Speak(string text)
    if (null == _mSpeechSynthesisUtterance)
        Debug.LogError("Utterance is not set!");

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

    if (!_mVoicesSet)

    if (!_mUtteranceSet)

    // set a default voice
    if (null != _mVoiceResult &&
        null != _mVoiceResult.voices &&
        _mVoiceResult.voices.Length > 0)
        for (int index = 0; index < _mVoiceResult.voices.Length; ++index)
            Voice voice = _mVoiceResult.voices[index];
            if (null != voice &&
                voice.name == "Google US English")
                _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.SetVoice(_mSpeechSynthesisUtterance, voice);

    // Cancel if already speaking

    // Set the text that will be spoken
    _mSpeechSynthesisPlugin.SetText(_mSpeechSynthesisUtterance, text);

    // Use the plugin to speak the utterance


Example01 - Speech Synthesis

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example01Synthesis.unity

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example01Synthesis.cs.


Example02 - Proxy Synthesis

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example02Proxy.unity

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example02Proxy.cs.

The example code is nearly identical to the non-proxy example, except for getting the synthesis instance from ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin.

// get the singleton instance
_mSpeechSynthesisPlugin = ProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin.GetInstance();

Example03 - Proxy Management

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example03ProxyManagement.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example03ProxyManagement.cs.


Example04 - Sbaitso Clone

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example04SbaitsoClone.unity.

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example04SbaitsoClone.cs.

The AI is controlled from Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/AISbaitso.cs which is a port from JAVA.

The example is a clone of the classic Dr. Sbaitso Demo that was bundled with Sound Blaster Pro Audio Cards which showcased text to speech in the 1990s.


Example05 - Panel Synthesis

The editor panel script is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Editor/Example05PanelSynthesis.cs and is activated via the Window->WebGLSpeechSynthesis->Open Example05PanelSynthesis menu item.

The example panel shows speech synthesis working in edit and play modes.

The panel example uses the EditorProxySpeechSynthesisPlugin to proxy the speech api in edit mode.

Example06 - No GUI

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example06NoGUI.unity

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example06NoGUI.cs.

Example07 - Buttons

The scene is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scenes/Example07Buttons.unity

The example source is located at Assets/WebGLSpeechSynthesis/Scripts/Example07Buttons.cs.


Q: How do I integrate with RT_Voice?

Within the RT-Voice package, there is a demo scene called "WebGL_Demo". RT-Voice provides a 3rd party package for your asset and a prefab "WebGL Speech Synthesis", which has to be added to the scene and the "RTVoice"-prefab.

Add the "WebGL Speech Synthesis"-prefab as "Custom Provider":



Send questions and/or feedback to the support@theylovegames.com email.

Support is also available in Discord, you can reach me at tgraupmann.