
Simple Python script for writing a user's Twitter feed to a JSON file (using Tweepy) for analysis

Primary LanguagePython

##Twitter Feed Scraper (with Tweepy -- https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy)

In whatever file structure you have, make sure you have a folder named 'Credentials' (case-sensitive unless you edit the code) in the same root as the python script with a format as shown in the screenshot — fileStructure.png. Important: make sure all .txt files are terminated in a line separator. This is a Tweepy authorization bug.

This is written to accept args from the command line. So, for instance, to get all my tweets, I would type:

python FeedParse.py TayGriffinSmith 200

You can add a -t, --t, or any variant of 'true' for the last arg to also write a .csv of the parsed feed (true by default)

...where 200 is the max tweets to pull (note: 200 is the max the API will allow). This will write a JSON into the same directory as the script.