
A kubernetes probe which checks model status for a TensorFlow Serving model

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

tfs_model_status_probe - TensorFlow Serving Model Status Probe

ci release

The tfs_model_status_probe checks the model status in a TensorFlow Serving instance [1]. The probe is modeled after grpc_health_probe [2] and is intended for use as a kubernetes probe.

The probe calls the ModelService.GetModelStatus() rpc [3] for a given model. If the model is AVAILABLE, then the probe will have an exit code of 0. If the model is still LOADING, in some other state, or there are grpc communication errors, then the exit code will be non-zero. If no version is provided, the probe assumes a single version and only checks the first version in the response.


$ ./tfs_model_status_probe -help
Usage of ./tfs_model_status_probe:
  -addr string
    	The hostname:port to check (default "localhost:9000")
  -connect-timeout duration
    	Timeout for making connection (default 3s)
  -model-name string
    	The name of the model (default "default")
  -model-version int
    	The version of the model
  -rpc-timeout duration
    	Timeout for rpc call (default 10s)


Here are a handful of the more common examples of success and failure calls.

Successful call with model status AVAILABLE (exit code 0):

$ ./tfs_model_status_probe -addr="localhost:8500" -model-name="half_plus_two"
2020/11/30 19:49:33 ModelStatusResponse: model_version_status:{version:123 state:AVAILABLE status:{}}
2020/11/30 19:49:33 Servable state is AVAILABLE

$ echo $?

Error calling with wrong model name (exit code 10):

$ ./tfs_model_status_probe -addr="localhost:8500" -model-name="no-such-model"
2020/11/30 19:51:27 ModelStatusResponse: <nil>
2020/11/30 19:51:27 Model not found: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Could not find any versions of model no-such-model

$ echo $?

Error when unable to communicate with service (exit code 2):

$ ./tfs_model_status_probe -addr="localhost:1234" -model-name="half_plus_two"
2020/11/30 19:52:57 Error dialing grpc service: context deadline exceeded

$ echo $?

The examples are run using a test server like so:

$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/serving.git tensorflow-serving
$ cd tensorflow-serving/
$ TESTDATA="$(pwd)/tensorflow_serving/servables/tensorflow/testdata"
$ TESTMODEL="$TESTDATA/saved_model_half_plus_two_cpu:/models/half_plus_two"
$ docker run -t --rm -p 8500:8500 -p 8501:8501 -v "$TESTMODEL" -e MODEL_NAME=half_plus_two tensorflow/serving

Integration with Kubernetes (exec probe)

Kubernetes runs exec probes by executing a command within the target container. This means the probe binary needs to be bundled inside the TensorFlow Serving image. Below is an example docker file and an example kubernetes probe config.

Sample Docker file:

FROM tensorflow/serving

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get -y install wget

    && wget -qO /bin/tfs_model_status_probe https://github.com/codycollier/tfs-model-status-probe/releases/download/v${TFS_PROBE_VERSION}/tfs_model_status_probe_${TFS_PROBE_VERSION}_linux_amd64 \
    && chmod +x /bin/tfs_model_status_probe

More recent kubernetes versions have a startup probe, which can be helpful when serving large, slow to load models.

Sample kubernetes config (subset):

  - name: server
        command: ["/bin/tfs_model_status_probe", "-addr=:8500", "-model-name=half_plus_two"]
      failureThreshold: 30
      periodSeconds: 10
        command: ["/bin/tfs_model_status_probe", "-addr=:8500", "-model-name=half_plus_two"]
      failureThreshold: 1
      periodSeconds: 15


[1] TensorFlow Serving

TensorFlow Serving is a server designed to load a TensorFlow model and provide access to it via gRPC and/or HTTP.

[2] gRPC Health Probe

As noted previously, the tfs model status probe is inspired by the grpc_health_probe. The github actions files, goreleaser config, and small portions of the README were derived and adapted from the grpc-health-probe project.

[3] TFS Model Service

The ModelService is a gRPC service with a GetModelStatus() rpc which is built-in to TensorFlow Serving. The TensorFlow proto required to call the rpc is sourced from TensorFlow Serving and TensorFlow core. See ./tfproto/ for more details.