
CAS Gradle Overlay: Generic CAS gradle war overlay to exercise the latest versions of CAS

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CAS Gradle Overlay

Generic CAS gradle war overlay to exercise the latest versions of CAS. This overlay could be freely used as a starting template for local CAS gradle war overlays.


  • CAS 5.0.x


  • JDK 1.8+


The etc directory contains the configuration files that are copied to /etc/cas/config automatically.

Adding Modules

CAS modules may be specified under the dependencies block of the CAS subproject:

dependencies {
    compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-webapp:${project.'cas.version'}@war"
    compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-some-module:${project.'cas.version'}"

Study material:


./gradlew[.bat] clean build

Or faster builds on subsequent attempts once modules/dependencies are resolved:

./gradlew[.bat] clean build --parallel --offline

If you are on a SNAPSHOT version, you can force redownloads of modules/dependencies:

 ./gradlew[.bat] clean build --parallel --refresh-dependencies

If you need to, on Linux/Unix systems, you can delete all the existing artifacts (artifacts and metadata) Gradle has downloaded using:

# Only do this when absolutely necessary!
rm -rf $HOME/.gradle/caches/

Same strategy applies to Windows too, provided you switch $HOME to its equivalent in the above command.

To see what commands are available in the build, use:

 ./gradlew[.bat] tasks

To see where certain dependencies come from in the build:

# Show the surrounding 2 before/after lines once a match is found
 ./gradlew[.bat] allDependencies | grep -A 2 -B 2 xyz


./gradlew[.bat] allDependenciesInsight --configuration [compile|runtime] --dependency xyz


  • Create a keystore file thekeystore under /etc/cas on Linux. Use c:/etc/cas on Windows.
  • Use the password changeit for both the keystore and the key/certificate entries.
  • Ensure the keystore is loaded up with keys and certificates of the server.

On a successful deployment via the following methods, CAS will be available at:

  • http://cas.server.name:8080/cas
  • https://cas.server.name:8443/cas

Executable WAR

Run the CAS web application as an executable WAR.

java -jar cas/build/libs/cas.war

Spring Boot

Run the CAS web application as an executable WAR via Spring Boot. This is most useful during development and testing.

./gradlew[.bat] bootRun


Deploy resultant cas/build/libs/cas.war to a servlet container of choice.