Less Than Bang

Running locally

The _config.yml file has the live domain set as its url, so to mae thus run locally you need to start the Jekyll server with this command:

jekyll --url http://localhost:4001/

Note the http:// and trailing / are needed.

Episode Structure

The post file name must be yyyy-mm-dd-[episode_number].md

And here's the YAML for each file.

layout: post
title: Episode 0
category: episode
mp3_src: http://get.lessthanbang.com/episode-0.mp3
mp3_size: 27.4mb
mp3_length: 42:58
itunes_tags: new,years,resolutions,goals,code,programming
image: show_10.png

Shownotes & stuff, here

Almost every field is required for the iTunes feed to work correctly.

mp3_length is in minutes & seconds, with a dot seperating the two (using a colon causes issues)

image in YAML is optional. It should be placed in the /assets/img/ folder and be 1400x1400px as a .png, .jpg or .jpeg to comply with iTunes RSS spec. If not supplied, the default show artwork will be used.

RSS Spec

Can be seen here. http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html. It's a bitch.