
Runtime type-checking for JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


semantic-release travis-ci

Runtime type-checking for JavaScript. Mostly a wrapper around typecheck.

Table of contents


npm install --save typd


typd wraps functions to add runtime type-checks to them. The resulting function will throw if the arguments don't match.

import Typd from 'typd';

const add =
    ['a', Typd.number],
    ['b', Typd.number],
    (a, b) => a + b

The Typd function takes any number of [string, function] tuples that represent argument name and the checker, and finally the function to be wrapped.


Here are the available checkers:

There are others that accept other checkers as arguments to create compound checkers:

  • Typd.arrayOf takes another checker, and matches arrays that contain elements that pass the supplied checker type. For example, Typd.arrayOf(Typd.boolean)
  • Typd.maybe takes another checker, matching that type or undefined. For example, Typd.maybe(Typd.boolean).
  • Typd.oneOf takes many checkers and makes sure one of them matches. For example, Typd.oneOf(Typd.string, Typd.String).
  • Typd.shape takes an object that describes the expected shape of the value. The values should be (any) other checkers. For example, Typd.shape({ a: Typd.number, b: Typd.maybe(Typd.arrayOf(Typd.string)) })


const { maybe, arrayOf, oneOf, string, number, shape } = Typd;

// Match two numbers and an optional options object
var f = Typd(
  ['a',    number],
  ['b',    number],
  ['opts', maybe(Typd.Object)],
  (a, b, opts={}) => {/* ... */}

// Match an optional array of either strings or numbers.
var f = Typd(
  ['args', maybe(arrayOf(oneOf(string, number)))],
  (args) => {/* ... */}

// Match a string and an optional callback function
var f = Typd(
  ['path', string],
  ['cb', maybe(Typd.function)],
  (path, cb) => {/* ... */}

// Match a user object
var f = Typd(
  ['user', Typd.shape({
    id: Typd.string,
    username: Typd.string,
    followers: Typd.number,
    contact: Typd.shape({
      emails: Typd.arrayOf(Typd.string),
      phones: Typd.arrayOf(Typd.string)
  user => {/* ... */}


Please read the contribution guidelines. Contributions are welcome!


Thanks to those who work on typecheck, without whom this would have been a lot more work.


Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Ashworth. Released under the MIT license.