
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

War (Card Game) Simulator

After a seemingly un-ending game of the card game War with my daughter, we asked the important questions:

  • Can a game of War theoretically go on forever?
  • How long is the average game of War?

Some smart folks already answered that - it is finite. But I like to code so I thought I'd try to get some stats about an average game of War with a simple Python simulator.

Game Rules

The rules of the game are simple enough it can be fully automated.


After running about a million rounds of War in the simulator the stats were pretty well converged to the values in the table below. The shortest and longest games there are not theoretical values - just observations from the samples I did run.

It is theoretically possible to win in 2 rounds if there is an epic series of ties, and it is possible for a game to go on for much longer than 5000 rounds if you are very unlucky.

Stat Value
Average length 440-445 rounds
Median length 330-335 rounds
Longest game ~5000 rounds
Shortest game 18 rounds
95% game length 1160 rounds
99% game length 1750 rounds
99.9% game length 2600 rounds