
Getting Rusty with rust tutorials. Following the documentation called " Rust by example " created by the rust community. This repository is for my reference to learn an make notes on the fundamentals of the rust language.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Learning Rust by example.

Rust docker image setup

1. Build the docker image 'rust' from the docker file rust.Dockerfile.

docker build -t rust -f Envs/rust.Dockerfile Envs

Building the image may take 5 to 15 mins. This is done only for the first time.

2. Run a container called rust from the built image.

For windows cmd

docker run --rm -d -t --name=rust -v %cd%:/home/mount rust 

For Mac terminal OR windows powershell

docker run --rm -d -t --name=rust -v ${PWD}:/home/mount rust

For linux terminal

docker run --rm -d -t --name=rust -v $(pwd):/home/mount rust

3. Open a interactive terminal from the running rust container.

docker exec -ti rust bash

4. Run any files from within the shell.

cd Arrays
cd two_sum
node two_sum.js

5. To stop and remove the running container.

docker stop rust