
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Async Cats!


All of your work must be done in the index.js file. Do not change the HTML file directly. You will need to create & append elements via Javascript.

You have access to two variables:

  • cats which is an array of cat objects
  • temperaments which is an array of temperament strings

You also have access to four asynchronous functions:

  • getAllCats() which returns an array of all cats
  • getCatsByBreed(breed) which accepts a breed string and returns all cats of that breed
  • removeCat(catId) which accepts a cat ID number and removes the cat from the array
  • updateCat(catId, data) which accepts a cat ID number and an object. Properties and values on the provided object will overwrite those that exist on the original cat object


You must populate the UI with a list of cats using the getAllCats function (note: do not use the cats variable directly, you must use the getAllCats function). Each cat should use the ./templates/card.html structure, just like with the Pokémon Cards exercise.

The functions provided are asynchronous, which means they return Promises.

  1. Display a list of all cats using the card template structure.
  2. Enable the breed filter form by adding a click event listener to the button.
  3. Enable deleting cats from the list by adding a click event listener to the delete button on cat cards. When a cat is deleted, the list of cats displayed on screen should update to reflect the change in data. This must happen without reloading the page.

For all the operations above, use the provided API-like functions (see api.js)!


  1. Enable updating a cat by adding a form submit event listener.
  2. Comment out your initial solution and implement a solution using The Cat API