
🟢 the Plug that seamlessly handles all auth needs in our Elixir/Phoenix App(s).

Primary LanguageElixirGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


The Elixir Plug that seamlessly handles all your authentication/authorization needs.

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Why? 🤷

Frustrated by the complexity and incomplete docs/tests in existing auth solutions, we built auth_plug to simplify our lives.

We needed a way to minimise the steps and code required to add auth to our app(s). With auth_plug we can setup auth in any Elixir/Phoenix App in less than 2 minutes with only 5 lines of config/code and one environment variable.


What? 🔐

An Elixir Plug (HTTP Middleware) that a complete beginner can use to add auth to a Phoenix App and understand how it works.
No macros/behaviours to use (confuse). No complex configuration or "implementation". Just a basic plug that uses Phoenix Sessions and standards-based JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Refreshingly simple. The way auth should be done.

auth_plug diagram

Edit this diagram: docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PUKzbRQOEgHaOmaEheU7T3AHQhRT8mhGuqVKotEJkM0

auth_plug protects any routes in your app that require authentication.

auth_plug is just 57 lines of (significant) code; the rest is comprehensive comments to help everyone understand how it works. As with all our code, it's meant to be as beginner-friendly as possible. If you get stuck or have any questions, please ask!

Who? 👥

We built this plug for use in our products/services. It does exactly what we want it to and nothing more. It's tested, documented and open source the way all our code is. It's not yet a general purpose auth solution that anyone can use. If after reading through this you feel that this is something you would like to have in your own Elixir/Phoenix project, tell us!

How? 💡

Before you attempt to use the auth_plug, try the Heroku example version so you know what to expect:


Notice how when you first visit the auth-plug-example.herokuapp.com/admin page, your browser is redirected to: https://dwylauth.herokuapp.com/?referer=https://auth-plug-example.herokuapp.com/admin&auth_client_id=etc. The the auth service handles the actual authentication and then transparently redirects back to auth-plug-example.herokuapp.com/admin?jwt=etc. with a JWT session.

For more detail on how the Auth service works, please see: https://github.com/dwyl/auth

If you get stuck during setup, clone and run our fully working example: https://github.com/dwyl/auth_plug_example#how

1. Installation 📝

Add auth_plug to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:auth_plug, "~> 1.1.0"}

Once you've saved the mix.exs file, download the dependency with:

mix deps.get

2. Get Your AUTH_API_KEY 🔑

Visit: https://dwylauth.herokuapp.com/settings/apikeys/new And create your AUTH_API_KEY. e.g:


2.1 Save it as an Environment Variable

Create a file called .env in the root directory of your app and add the following line:

export AUTH_API_KEY=2cfxNaWUwJBq1F4nPndoEHZJ5YCCNqXbJ6Ga/2cfxNadrhMZk3iaT1L5k6Wt67c9ScbGNPz8BwLH1

The run the following command in your terminal:

source .env

That will export the environment variable AUTH_API_KEY.

Remember to add .env to your .gitignore file. e.g:

echo ".env" >> .gitignore

3. Add AuthPlug to Your router.ex file to Protect a Route 🔒

Open the lib/app_web/router.ex file and locate the section:

  scope "/", AppWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/", PageController, :index

Immediately below this add the following lines of code:

  pipeline :auth, do: plug(AuthPlug, %{auth_url: "https://dwylauth.herokuapp.com"})

  scope "/", AppWeb do
    pipe_through :browser
    pipe_through :auth
    get "/admin", PageController, :admin

E.g: /lib/app_web/router.ex#L23-L29


There are two parts to this code:

  1. Create a new pipeline called :auth which will execute the AuthPlug passing in the auth_url as an initialisation option.
  2. Create a new scope where we pipe_through both the :browser and :auth pipelines.

This means that the "/admin" route is protected by AuthPlug.

Note: Ensure the route you are protecting works without AuthPlug. If in doubt simply comment out the line pipe_through :auth to check.

4. Attempt to view the protected route to test the authentication! 👩‍💻

Now that the /admin route is protected by auth_plug, attempt to view it in your browser e.g: http://localhost:4000/admin

If you are not already authenticated, your browser will be redirected to: https://dwylauth.herokuapp.com/?referer=http://localhost:4000/admin&auth_client_id=etc

Once you have successfully authenticated with your GitHub or Google account, you will be redirected back to localhost:4000/admin where the /admin route will be visible.


That's it!! 🎉

You just setup auth in a Phoenix app using auth_plug!

If you got stuck or have any questions, please open an issue, we are here to help!

(Optional+Recommended) Update endpoint.ex

Open your endpoint.ex file and update the line that reads:

plug Plug.Session, @session_options


plug Plug.Session, AuthPlug.session_options

This will avoid noise in your server logs from the default Phoenix Session config, which auth_plug overrides to use JWTs.



Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/auth_plug.
All our code is commented, but if anything is unclear, please open an issue: https://github.com/dwyl/auth_plug/issues

Recommended / Relevant Reading

If you are new to Elixir Plug, we recommend following: github.com/dwyl/elixir-plug-tutorial.

To understand JSON Web Tokens, read: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-json-web-tokens.