
ocaml bindings to zydis (WIP)

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


Currently not everything from zydis is exposed, but the more useful (to me) parts of ZydisDecodedInstruction are wrapped in nice to use types.

Example usage

See also bin/ for more examples.

open Zydis.Enums

let decoder = Zydis.Decoder.create ~mode:LONG_64 ~width:64
let buffer = Bytes.of_string "\x75\x2f"
(* 0 is the offset into the buffer, so that it doesn't need to be
let insn = Zydis.Decoder.decode decoder buffer 0

Results for insn:

val insn : Zydis.Instruction.t option =
   {Zydis.Instruction.mode = LONG_64; mnemonic = JNZ; length = 2;
    encoding = LEGACY; opcode_map = DEFAULT; opcode = 117; stack_width = 64;
    operand_width = 64; address_width = 64;
    operands =
     [|{Zydis.Operand.id = 0; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = JIMM16; bit_size = 8; el_ty = INT; el_size = 8;
        el_count = 1;
        kind = Zydis.Operand.Imm (Zydis.Relative, Zydis.Signed 47L)};
       {Zydis.Operand.id = 1; visibility = HIDDEN; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = MODRM_REG; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 64;
        el_count = 1; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg RIP};
       {Zydis.Operand.id = 2; visibility = HIDDEN; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = MODRM_REG; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 1;
        el_count = 64; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg RFLAGS}|];
    attributes = <abstr>; flags = [|(ZF, TESTED)|]; avx = <abstr>;
    meta =
     {Zydis.Instruction.category = COND_BR; isa_set = I86; isa_ext = BASE;
      branch_type = Some SHORT; exception_class = None};
    raw = <abstr>; raw_insn = <abstr>}

Results for "\x62\xf1\x6c\x5f\xc2\x54\x98\x40\x0f" as a more complex instruction:

val insn : Zydis.Instruction.t option =
   {Zydis.Instruction.mode = LONG_64; mnemonic = VCMPPS; length = 9;
    encoding = Zydis.Enums.EVEX; opcode_map = OpcodeMap0F; opcode = 194;
    stack_width = 64; operand_width = 32; address_width = 64;
    operands =
     [|{Zydis.Operand.id = 0; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = MODRM_RM; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 1;
        el_count = 64; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg K2};
       {Zydis.Operand.id = 1; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = DISP8; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 1;
        el_count = 64; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg K7};
       {Zydis.Operand.id = 2; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = IS4; bit_size = 512; el_ty = FLOAT32; el_size = 32;
        el_count = 16; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg ZMM2};
       {Zydis.Operand.id = 3; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = Zydis.Enums.OPCODE; bit_size = 32; el_ty = FLOAT32;
        el_size = 32; el_count = 1;
        kind =
          {Zydis.Operand.typ = MEM; segment = Some DS; base = Some RAX;
           index = Some RBX; scale = 4; displacement = Some 256L}};
       {Zydis.Operand.id = 4; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
        encoding = UIMM16; bit_size = 8; el_ty = CC; el_size = 5; el_count = 1;
        kind = Zydis.Operand.Imm (Zydis.Absolute, Zydis.Unsigned 15L)}|];
    attributes = <abstr>; flags = [||]; avx = <abstr>;
    meta =
     {Zydis.Instruction.category = Zydis.Enums.AVX512; isa_set = AVX512F_512;
      isa_ext = AVX512EVEX; branch_type = None; exception_class = Some E2};
    raw = <abstr>}