Currently not everything from zydis is exposed, but the more useful (to me)
parts of ZydisDecodedInstruction
are wrapped in nice to use types.
See also bin/
for more examples.
open Zydis.Enums
let decoder = Zydis.Decoder.create ~mode:LONG_64 ~width:64
let buffer = Bytes.of_string "\x75\x2f"
(* 0 is the offset into the buffer, so that it doesn't need to be
let insn = Zydis.Decoder.decode decoder buffer 0
Results for insn
val insn : Zydis.Instruction.t option =
{Zydis.Instruction.mode = LONG_64; mnemonic = JNZ; length = 2;
encoding = LEGACY; opcode_map = DEFAULT; opcode = 117; stack_width = 64;
operand_width = 64; address_width = 64;
operands =
[|{ = 0; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = JIMM16; bit_size = 8; el_ty = INT; el_size = 8;
el_count = 1;
kind = Zydis.Operand.Imm (Zydis.Relative, Zydis.Signed 47L)};
{ = 1; visibility = HIDDEN; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = MODRM_REG; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 64;
el_count = 1; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg RIP};
{ = 2; visibility = HIDDEN; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = MODRM_REG; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 1;
el_count = 64; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg RFLAGS}|];
attributes = <abstr>; flags = [|(ZF, TESTED)|]; avx = <abstr>;
meta =
{Zydis.Instruction.category = COND_BR; isa_set = I86; isa_ext = BASE;
branch_type = Some SHORT; exception_class = None};
raw = <abstr>; raw_insn = <abstr>}
Results for "\x62\xf1\x6c\x5f\xc2\x54\x98\x40\x0f"
as a more complex instruction:
val insn : Zydis.Instruction.t option =
{Zydis.Instruction.mode = LONG_64; mnemonic = VCMPPS; length = 9;
encoding = Zydis.Enums.EVEX; opcode_map = OpcodeMap0F; opcode = 194;
stack_width = 64; operand_width = 32; address_width = 64;
operands =
[|{ = 0; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = MODRM_RM; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 1;
el_count = 64; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg K2};
{ = 1; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = DISP8; bit_size = 64; el_ty = INT; el_size = 1;
el_count = 64; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg K7};
{ = 2; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = IS4; bit_size = 512; el_ty = FLOAT32; el_size = 32;
el_count = 16; kind = Zydis.Operand.Reg ZMM2};
{ = 3; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = Zydis.Enums.OPCODE; bit_size = 32; el_ty = FLOAT32;
el_size = 32; el_count = 1;
kind =
{Zydis.Operand.typ = MEM; segment = Some DS; base = Some RAX;
index = Some RBX; scale = 4; displacement = Some 256L}};
{ = 4; visibility = EXPLICIT; actions = <abstr>;
encoding = UIMM16; bit_size = 8; el_ty = CC; el_size = 5; el_count = 1;
kind = Zydis.Operand.Imm (Zydis.Absolute, Zydis.Unsigned 15L)}|];
attributes = <abstr>; flags = [||]; avx = <abstr>;
meta =
{Zydis.Instruction.category = Zydis.Enums.AVX512; isa_set = AVX512F_512;
isa_ext = AVX512EVEX; branch_type = None; exception_class = Some E2};
raw = <abstr>}