
Dashboard about Covid19 data from South America and serverless function to update data

Primary LanguageR


Repository to dashboard about Covid19 data from South America and serverless function to update data.

IBM Functions

  • Dockerfile.update
  • exec
  • read_update_data.R
  • .Renviron
# Docker build
docker build -t th1460/update-covid -f Dockerfile.update .

# Docker push
docker push th1460/update-covid

# Package files
zip -r update_covid.zip exec read_update_data.R .Renviron

# Create function
ibmcloud fn action create update-covid19 update_covid.zip --docker th1460/update-covid --web true

The IBM Functions to update the data work with cronjob configured in IBM Cloud console.

Cloud foundry

  • Dockerfile.app
  • app.R
  • manifest.yml
# Docker build
docker build -t th1460/dash-covid -f Dockerfile.app .

# Docker push
docker push th1460/dash-covid

# Deploy shiny
ibmcloud cf push dash-covid --docker-image th1460/dash-covid -k 2G


Reference to CI/CD used here:
