
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AVRO codec (3.0.0)


Designed for decode AVRO raw messages to parsed messages and encode back. It is based on th2-codec. You can find additional information here


The codec decodes each raw message in the received batch. The codec can work in two modes:

Standard mode

Enabled when setting avroMessageIdToDictionaryAlias is filled. Each raw message must contain AVRO header. The first byte of the AVRO header is always 0(MAGIC BYTE). It is followed by four bytes which identify the AVRO schema to be used for decoding.

[0],[][][][], [][][][]][][]...[]
    schema id  data 

Schema resolution mode by session alias

Enabled when setting sessionAliasToDictionaryAlias is filled. AVRO header of 5 bytes is missing. Schema resolves by session alias in message metadata.

All AVRO data types are supported, support conversion to AVRO standard logical types Complex types are converted to:

Record   -> Message
Map      -> Message
Array    -> List
Union    -> Object of resolve by schema
Enum     -> Value

Primitive types are converted to:

Fixed    -> Value as Hex string
Bytes    -> Value as Hex string
Null     -> skip
other    -> Value 

NOTE: To the field name with a UNION value added is a prefix, because when converting to Value, the data type is lost.

From the choice of the enableIdPrefixEnumFields setting, the prefix can be a schema id


or Avro data type


After the prefix used a unique delimiter -


When encoding, all values are converted back, including logical type conversion. Before the data added AVRO header.

NOTE: When encoding UNION values, a prefix is required for field names. This is described in the decoding section.


AVRO codec has the following parameters:

enableIdPrefixEnumFields: false
enablePrefixEnumFieldsDecode: true
  '1': "${dictionary_link:avro-schema-1-dictionary}"
  '2': "${dictionary_link:avro-schema-2-dictionary}"
  '3': "${dictionary_link:avro-schema-3-dictionary}"
  'sessionAlias1': "${dictionary_link:avro-schema-1-dictionary}"
  'sessionGroup1Alias*': "${dictionary_link:avro-schema-2-dictionary}"
  '???????Group2Alias*': "${dictionary_link:avro-schema-3-dictionary}"

enablePrefixEnumFieldsDecode - enables prefix before field name. If disabled no type or ID prefix will be added before field name. NOTE: in this case the message decoded by codec cannot be encoded - encoding requires type or ID prefix

enableIdPrefixEnumFields - prefix setting for UNION fields. If false, use prefix as AVRO data type(for example Record-, Map-), if true then use schema id prefix(for example Id0-, Id3-). The default value is false

avroMessageIdToDictionaryAlias - matching schema id pairs with its alias available for loading in the pipelineCodecContext.

sessionAliasToDictionaryAlias - matching session alias pairs with its alias available for loading in the pipelineCodecContext. For session alias supported wildcard.

Only one of settings sessionAliasToDictionaryAlias or avroMessageIdToDictionaryAlias can be used

Release notes


  • Migrated from jaxb-api: 2.3.1 to jakarta.xml.bind-api: 4.0.2
    • Because artifact was moved
  • Migrated to th2 gradle plugin: 0.0.6
  • Updated:
    • bom 4.6.1
    • common: 5.10.1-dev
    • common-utils: 2.2.3-dev
    • codec: 5.5.0-dev
    • avro: 1.11.3


  • Updated common: 5.7.2-dev
  • Updated common-utils: 2.2.2-dev
  • Updated codec: 5.4.1-dev


  • TH2 transport protocol support


  • Added detailed TRACE logging for parsing into class com.exactpro.th2.codec.MessageDatumReader


  • Added mode resolution schema by session alias
  • Added support wildcard for session alias setting


  • Updated th2-common: 5.2.0
  • Updated th2-codec: 5.2.0
  • Updated th2-bom: 4.2.0
  • owasp scan step


  • Migrated to book and page concept

