
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

th2 common library GO (1.2.0)


  1. Import factory package
factory "github.com/th2-net/th2-common-go/schema/factory"
  1. Create factory with configs from the default path (var/th2/config/*) located on same level as caller file:
  1. Create factory with configs from the passed path of directory where config files are located and their extension (default is .json):
go run *.go -config-file-path="path" -config-file-extension="ext"

Configuration formats

The CommonFactory reads a RabbitMQ configuration from the rabbitMQ.json file.

  • host - the required setting defines the RabbitMQ host.
  • vHost - the required setting defines the virtual host that will be used for connecting to RabbitMQ. Please see more details about the virtual host in RabbitMQ via link
  • port - the required setting defines the RabbitMQ port.
  • username - the required setting defines the RabbitMQ username. The user must have permission to publish messages via routing keys and subscribe to message queues.
  • password - the required setting defines the password that will be used for connecting to RabbitMQ.
  • exchangeName - the required setting defines the exchange that will be used for sending/subscribing operation in MQ routers. Please see more details about the exchanges in RabbitMQ via link
  • connectionTimeout - the connection TCP establishment timeout in milliseconds with its default value set to 60000. Use zero for infinite waiting.
  • connectionCloseTimeout - the timeout in milliseconds for completing all the close-related operations, use -1 for infinity, the default value is set to 10000.
  • maxRecoveryAttempts - this option defines the number of reconnection attempts to RabbitMQ, with its default value set to 5. The th2_readiness probe is set to false and publishers are blocked after a lost connection to RabbitMQ. The th2_readiness probe is reverted to true if the connection will be recovered during specified attempts otherwise the th2_liveness probe will be set to false.
  • minConnectionRecoveryTimeout - this option defines a minimal interval in milliseconds between reconnect attempts, with its default value set to 10000. Common factory increases the reconnect interval values from minConnectionRecoveryTimeout to maxConnectionRecoveryTimeout.
  • maxConnectionRecoveryTimeout - this option defines a maximum interval in milliseconds between reconnect attempts, with its default value set to 60000. Common factory increases the reconnect interval values from minConnectionRecoveryTimeout to maxConnectionRecoveryTimeout.
  • prefetchCount - this option is the maximum number of messages that the server will deliver, with its value set to 0 if unlimited, the default value is set to 10.
  • messageRecursionLimit - an integer number denotes how deep nested protobuf message might be, default = 100
  "host": "<host>",
  "vHost": "<virtual host>",
  "port": 5672,
  "username": "<user name>",
  "password": "<password>",
  "exchangeName": "<exchange name>",
  "connectionTimeout": 60000,
  "connectionCloseTimeout": 10000,
  "maxRecoveryAttempts": 5,
  "minConnectionRecoveryTimeout": 10000,
  "maxConnectionRecoveryTimeout": 60000,
  "prefetchCount": 10,
  "messageRecursionLimit": 100

The CommonFactory reads a message's router configuration from the mq.json file.

  • queues - the required settings defines all pins for an application
    • name - routing key in RabbitMQ for sending
    • queue - queue's name in RabbitMQ for subscribe
    • exchange - exchange in RabbitMQ
    • attributes - pin's attribute for mark. Default attributes:
      • subscribe
      • publish
      • parsed
      • raw
      • event
      • store
  "queues": {
    "pin1": {
      "name": "routing_key_1",
      "queue": "queue_1",
      "exchange": "exchange",
      "attributes": [

Release notes



  • Deprecated streadway/amqp dependency was replaced with rabbitmq/amqp091-go. NOTE: this should not be visible to end users as the MQ is only used internally.



  • Module architecture
  • Zerolog configuration on CommonFactory creation
  • Read and resolve environment variables during configuration reading
  • Base version of gRPC module
    • Start server / Start service features
  • Base version of MQ module
    • EventBatch / MessageGroupBatch router
    • SendAll / SubscribeAll / SubscribeAllWithManualAck features
  • Prometheus module
    • Liveness / Readiness probe
    • MQ module metrics