
Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

th2-conn-dirty-tcp-core (3.6.0)

This is a core library for dirty TCP connections which takes care of:

  • configuration via CommonFactory
  • listening on protobuf or th2 transport MQs for messages to send
  • publishing sent and received messages to MQ using either of protobuf, th2 transport protocols
  • batching of published messages (by time and batch size)
  • running multiples TCP connections at once
  • passing TCP events and data to user-implemented handlers

You can read th2 transport protocol specification by the link


  • channel - represents a single TCP connection. It is used to send messages and perform connect/disconnect. Before sending message can go through handlers depending on send-mode.

  • handler - main handler which handles connection events and data. Its main purpose is to split received data stream into separate messages, maintain protocol session and prepare outgoing messages before sending.

  • mangler - secondary connection handler. Its main purpose is to mangle outgoing messages. It can also be used to send unsolicited messages and preform unexpected connections/disconnections.

Send mode

Outgoing message can be handled differently depending on send mode. There are 6 following modes:

  • HANDLE_AND_MANGLE (handle: true, mangle: true, socketSend: true, mqPublish: true)
  • HANDLE (handle: true, mangle: false, socketSend: true, mqPublish: true)
  • MANGLE (handle: false, mangle: true, socketSend: true, mqPublish: true)
  • DIRECT (handle: false, mangle: false, socketSend: true, mqPublish: true)
  • DIRECT_SOCKET (handle: false, mangle: false, socketSend: true, mqPublish: false)
  • DIRECT_MQ (handle: false, mangle: false, socketSend: false, mqPublish: true)


  • sessions - list of session settings
  • ioThreads - amount of IO threads (session-count by default)
  • appThreads - amount of non-IO threads (session-count * 2 by default)
  • maxBatchSize - max size of outgoing message batch (1000 by default)
  • maxFlushTime - max message batch flush time (1000 by default)
  • batchByGroup - batch messages by group instead of session alias and direction (true by default)
  • publishSentEvents - enables/disables publish of "message sent" events (true by default)
  • publishConnectEvents - enables/disables publish of "connect/disconnect" events (true by default)
  • sendLimit - global send limit in bytes (0 by default which means no limit)
  • receiveLimit - global receive limit in bytes (0 by default which means no limit)
  • useTransport - use th2 transport or protobuf protocol to publish incoming/outgoing messages (false by default)

Session settings

  • sessionGroup - session group for incoming/outgoing th2 messages (equal to session alias by default)
  • sessionAlias - session alias for incoming/outgoing th2 messages
  • bookName - optional bookName which will be used for events/messages instead of default one. Component book name is used if the option is missed
  • handler - handler settings
  • mangler - mangler settings (null by default)

NOTE: if mangler settings are null then no mangling will be done

Security settings

  • ssl - enables SSL on connection (false by default)
  • sni - enables SNI support (false by default)
  • certFile - path to server certificate (null by default)
  • acceptAllCerts - accept all server certificates (false by default, takes precedence over certFile)

NOTE: when using infra 1.7.0+ it is recommended to load value for certFile from a secret by using ${secret_path:secret_name} syntax.

Built-in mangler

This library also contains a basic mangler which will be used if library user does not implement its own.


  • rules - list of mangling rules


name: String # rule name
if-contains: List<ValueSelector> # list of values expected in a message for this rule to be applied
then: List<Action> # list of actions to be applied to a matching message

Value definition

i8: Byte # defines 8-bit integer value
i16: Short # defines 16-bit integer value
i16be: Short # defines big-endian 16-bit integer value
i32: Int # defines 32-bit integer value
i32be: Int # defines big-endian 32-bit integer value
i64: Long # defines 64-bit integer value
i64be: Long # defines big-endian 64-bit integer value
f32: Float # defines 32-bit float value
f32be: Float # defines big-endian 32-bit float value
f64: Double # defines 64-bit double value
f64be: Double # defines big-endian 64-bit double value
str: String # defines string value
bytes: Byte # defines byte-array value
charset: Charset # charset of a string value ("UTF_8" by default)

NOTE: only single value type can be specified in a definition

Value selector definition

Selector defines a single expected value at a specified or arbitrary position in a message.
It is defined the same way as a value except that it can also contain an offset at which value will be expected:

at-offset: Int # value offset (-1 by default)

NOTE: negative or absent offset means that value has no predefined offset in a message

Action definitions:

  • set - sets a value at a specified position:

    set: ValueSelector # value to set

    NOTE: value selector must contain value offset

  • add - adds a value at a specified position or before/after existing value:

    add: ValueSelector # value to add
    before: ValueSelector # value before which this value will be added (optional)
    after: ValueSelector # value after which this value will be added (optional)

    NOTE: add selector cannot have an offset if before or after selector is specified and vice versa

  • move - moves a value after or before another value

    move: ValueSelector # value to move
    before: ValueSelector # value before which this value will be placed
    after: ValueSelector # value after which this value will be placed
  • replace - replaces a value with another value

    replace: ValueSelector # value to replace
    with: ValueDefinition # value to replace this value with
  • remove - removes a value

    remove: ValueSelector # value to remove

Message will be mangled when:

  1. It contains all values from if-contains list of a rule from mangler configuration
  2. It contains existing rule name in rule-name property - in this case rule will be applied unconditionally
  3. It contains rule actions in YAML format in rule-actions property - specified actions will be applied

Mangler configuration example

  - name: replace_login_username
      - i8: 1 # login message type
        at-offset: 2 # message type offset
      - replace:
          str: old_username # username value
          at-offset: 10 # username offset
          str: new_username        

Box configuration example

  • least one of to_send_via_protobuf or to_send_via_transport pins is required, it's mean that conn can consume messages via one or both protocols, but ability to process depends on handler implementation (please clarify in implementation README)
  • processed_messages_via_protobuf pin are required when useTransport is false
  • processed_messages_via_transport pin are required when useTransport is true
apiVersion: th2.exactpro.com/v1
kind: Th2Box
  name: fix-client
  image-name: ...
  image-version: ...
  type: th2-conn
    maxBatchSize: 1000
    maxFlushTime: 1000
    publishSentEvents: true
    publishConnectEvents: true
      - sessionAlias: client
        handler: # mangler implementation settings
            ssl: false
            sni: false
            certFile: ${secret_path:cert_secret}
            acceptAllCerts: false
          port: 4567
          maxMessageRate: 100000
          autoReconnect: true
          reconnectDelay: 5000
        mangler: ... # handler implementation settings
    - name: to_send_via_protobuf
      connection-type: mq
        - subscribe
        - send
        - raw
        storageOnDemand: false
        queueLength: 1000
    - name: to_send_via_transport
      connection-type: mq
        - subscribe
        - send
        - transport-group
        storageOnDemand: false
        queueLength: 1000
    - name: processed_messages_via_protobuf
      connection-type: mq
        - publish
        - store
        - raw
    - name: processed_messages_via_transport
      connection-type: mq
        - publish
        - transport-group
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
        memory: 500Mi
        cpu: 1000m
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 100m



  • provided ability to override component book name for session.
  • migrated to th2 gradle plugin 0.0.8
  • fixed the problem: conn checks batch book name instead of parent event book name during transport message handling
  • updated:
    • common: 5.13.1-dev
    • kotlin-logging: 3.0.5
    • jctools-core: 4.0.5


  • add recovering subscriptions of channels in the case of failure
  • updated bom: 4.6.1-dev
  • updated common: 5.10.0-dev
  • updated common-utils: 2.2.3-dev


  • Add DIRECT_SOCKET, DIRECT_MQ send modes.
  • Extended IHandler, IHandlerContext, IMangler, IManglerContext interfaces.
    • Add feature to create custom single event and use it in handler / mangler as parent.
    • Message id is passed into onIncoming method of handler / mangler.
  • Use guava RateLimiter implementation.


  • Add SendingTimeoutHandler class that helps keep track of the failed sending attempts and reports an event with number of the failed attempts.


  • Add th2.operation_timestamp property to a message. It contains the send/receive operation timestamp in ISO format: 2023-10-16T09:21:12.178299Z


  • Avoid messages loss in case of failures while saving mangler events.


  • updated bom: 4.5.0-dev
  • updated common: 5.4.0-dev
  • updated common-utils: 2.2.0-dev
  • updated kotlin: 1.8.22


  • add support for th2 transport protocol
  • migrated to message batcher from common-utils
  • th2-common updated to 5.3.2-dev
  • th2-common-utils added 2.1.1-dev version


  • add support for session groups, books and pages


  • fix move action in mangler not being marked as applied


  • th2-common upgrade to 3.44.1
  • th2-bom upgrade to 4.2.0


  • add basic mangler


  • allow to retrieve gRPC service from handler context
  • support JSR-310 date and time types in settings


  • add option to set global send/receive limit


  • disable mangling if no mangler settings are specified


  • bump common dependency to 3.44.0
  • bump common-utils dependency to 0.0.3


  • add channel flush timeout


  • use separate executor for handling sent messages to avoid reordering


  • offload channel management to handler
  • allow handler to handle multiple channels
  • session groups support preparations


  • allow mangler to update metadata
  • perform handle-mangle-send sequence automatically
  • perform reconnect asynchronously
  • event batching
  • SNI support via security.sni option
  • ability load server certificate from file via security.certFile option
  • ability to accept all server certificates via security.acceptAllCerts option
  • sending is throttled by network buffer instead of sending acknowledgement
  • reconnect can be disabled via autoReconnect option
  • reconnect events can be disabled via publishConnectEvents option
  • per-session message rate throttling via maxMessageRate option


  • use scheduler for reconnect tasks


  • use existing root event (if any)


  • publish error event lazily