HTTP-WebSocket Client Template v0.2.0

This is a template project which combines HTTP and WebSocket clients together.


It can be used to implement a typical scenario where an init-step is done via HTTP (e.g. Login) and then the data from this step (e.g. cookies) is used to establish a WebSocket connection. When WebSocket connection dies or if init-step fails, this sequence will be performed again if client itself is in started-state. This behavior is implemented via hybrid-handler which is shared between HTTP and WebSocket clients where such init-step can be implemented in preOpen method.


The main configuration is done by changing following properties:

  • autoStart - start service automatically (true by default and if startControl is false)
  • autoStopAfter - stop after N seconds if the service was started automatically prior to send (0 by default which means disabled)
  • sessionGroup - session group for incoming/outgoing th2 messages (equal to session alias by default)
  • maxBatchSize - max size of outgoing message batch (100 by default)
  • maxFlushTime - max message batch flush time (1000 by default)
  • useTransport - use th2 transport or protobuf protocol to publish incoming/outgoing messages (true by default)
  • grpcStartControl - enables start/stop control via gRPC service (false by default)
  • http - HTTP connection configuration block
  • ws - WebSocket connection configuration block

HTTP connection configuration

  • https - enables HTTPS (false by default)
  • host - host for HTTP requests (e.g.
  • port - port for HTTP requests (80 by default or 443 if https = true)
  • readTimeout - socket read timeout in ms (5000 by default)
  • keepAliveTimeout - socket inactivity timeout in ms (15000 by default)
  • defaultHeaders - map of default headers, and their values which will be applied to each request (existing headers are not affected, empty by default)
  • sessionAlias - session alias for incoming/outgoing HTTP messages (e.g. rest_api)

WebSocket connection configuration

  • uri - connection URI
  • frameType - outgoing WebSocket frame type, can be either TEXT or BINARY (TEXT by default)
  • pingInterval - interval for sending ping-messages in ms (30000 by default)
  • sessionAlias - session alias for incoming/outgoing WS messages (e.g. ws_api)

Service will also automatically connect prior to message send if it wasn't connected

Configuration example

autoStart: true
autoStopAfter: 0
grpcStartControl: false
sessionGroup: session-group
maxBatchSize: 100
maxFlushTime: 1000
useTransport: true
  uri: wss://
  frameType: TEXT
  pingInterval: 30000
  sessionAlias: api_session_ws
  https: false
  port: 334
  sessionAlias: api_session_http
  readTimeout: 5000
  keepAliveTimeout: 15000
  defaultHeaders: [ ]

MQ pins

  • input pin with subscribe, http_send, group attributes for consuming HTTP requires via protobuf protocol
  • input pin with subscribe, http_send, transport-group attributes for consuming HTTP requires via th2 transport protocol
  • input pin with subscribe, ws_send, group attributes for consuming WebSocket messages via protobuf protocol
  • input pin with subscribe, ws_send, transport-group attributes for consuming WebSocket messages via th2 transport protocol
  • output pin with publish, raw for sent HTTP and WebSocket requests / responses
  • output pin with publish, transport-group for sent HTTP and WebSocket requests / responses


This section describes the messages received and produced by the service

Inputs (WS)

This service receives messages that will be sent via WS as MessageGroups, containing a single RawMessage with a message body

Inputs (HTTP)

This service receives HTTP requests as MessageGroups containing one of:

  • a single RawMessage containing request body, which can have uri, method, and contentType properties in its metadata, which will be used in resulting request
  • a single Message with Request message type containing HTTP request line and headers and a RawMessage described above

If both Message and RawMessage contain uri, method, and contentType, values from Message take precedence.
If none of them contain these values / and GET will be used as uri and method values respectively

Outputs (WS/HTTP)

Incoming and outgoing messages are sent via MQ as MessageGroups, containing a single RawMessage with a message body.

Deployment via infra-mgr

Here's an example of infra-mgr config required to deploy this service

kind: Th2Box
  name: ws-client
  imageVersion: 0.0.2
    autoStart: true
    autoStopAfter: 0
    grpcStartControl: false
    sessionGroup: session-group
    maxBatchSize: 100
    maxFlushTime: 1000
    useTransport: true
      uri: wss://
      frameType: TEXT
      pingInterval: 30000
      sessionAlias: api_session_ws
      https: false
      port: 334
      sessionAlias: api_session_http
      readTimeout: 5000
      keepAliveTimeout: 15000
      defaultHeaders: [ ]
  type: th2-conn
        - name: to_send_http_proto
            - subscribe
            - http_send
            - group
        - name: to_send_ws_proto
            - subscribe
            - ws_send
            - group
        - name: to_send_http_transport
            - subscribe
            - http_send
            - transport-group
        - name: to_send_ws_transport
            - subscribe
            - ws_send
            - transport-group
        - name: outgoing_proto
            - publish
            - raw
        - name: outgoing_transport
            - publish
            - transport-group