
Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Lightweight data provider (2.10.0)


This component serves as a data provider for th2-data-services. It will connect to the cassandra database via cradle api and expose the data stored in there as REST resources. This component is similar to rpt-data-provider but the last one contains additional GUI-specific logic.


You can download OpenAPI schema from here: http://<provider_address>:<port>/openapi

You can view the endpoints documentation from here: http://<provider_address>:<port>/redoc

You can see the Swagger UI from here: http://<provider_address>:<port>/swagger


http://localhost:8080/event/{id} - returns a single event with the specified id.

Example: http://localhost:8080/event/book:scope:20221031130000000000000:eventId

Example with batch: http://localhost:8080/event/book:scope:20221031130000000000000:batchId>book:scope:20221031130000000000000:eventId

http://localhost:8080/message/{id} - returns a single message with the specified id

Example: http://localhost:8080/message/book:session_alias:<direction>:20221031130000000000000:1

direction - 1 - first, 2 - second


Timestamp in HTTP request might be specified either in milliseconds or in nanoseconds. The value will be interpreted as milliseconds if it is less than 1_000_000_000 ^ 2. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as nanoseconds.

SSE requests API

http://localhost:8080/search/sse/events - create a sse channel of event metadata that matches the filter. Accepts following query parameters:

  • startTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the search starting point. Required
  • endTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the timestamp to which the search will be performed, starting with startTimestamp. Required.
  • parentEvent - text - parent event id of expected child-events.
  • searchDirection - the direction for search (next,previous). Default, next
  • resultCountLimit - limit the result responses
  • bookId - book ID for requested events (*required)
  • scope - scope for requested events (*required)
  • filters - set of filters to apply. Example, filters=name,type

Supported filters:

  • type - filter by events type
  • name - filter by events name

Filter parameters:

  • <filter_name>-value|<filter_name>-values filter values to apply. Repeatable
  • <filter_name>-negative - inverts the filter. <filter_name>-negative=true
  • <filter_name>-conjunct - if true the actual value should match all expected values. <filter_name>-conjunct=true

http://localhost:8080/search/sse/messages - create a sse channel of messages that matches the filter. Accepts following query parameters:

  • startTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the search starting point. One of the 'startTimestamp' or 'messageId' must not be null

  • messageId - text, accepts multiple values. List of message IDs to restore search. Defaults to null. One of the 'startTimestamp' or 'messageId' must not be null

  • stream - text, accepts multiple values - Sets the stream ids to search in. Case-sensitive. Required. Example: alias - requests all direction for alias; alias:<direction> - requests specified direction for alias.

  • searchDirection - next/previous - Sets the lookup direction. Can be used for pagination. Defaults to next.

  • resultCountLimit - number - Sets the maximum amount of messages to return. Defaults to null (unlimited).

  • endTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the timestamp to which the search will be performed, starting with startTimestamp. When searchDirection is previous, endTimestamp must be less then startTimestamp. Defaults to null (search can be stopped after reaching resultCountLimit).

  • responseFormat - text, accepts multiple values - sets response formats. Possible values: BASE_64, PROTO_PARSED, JSON_PARSED. default value - BASE_64 & PROTO_PARSED.

  • keepOpen - keeps pulling for updates until have not found any message outside the requested interval. Disabled by default

  • bookId - book ID for requested messages (*required)

http://localhost:8080/search/sse/messages/group - creates an SSE channel of messages that matches the requested group for the requested time period

  • startTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the search starting point. Must not be null
  • endTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the search ending point. Must not be null
  • group - the repeatable parameter java.time.Instantwith group names to request. At least one must be specified
  • keepOpen - keeps pulling for updates until have not found any message outside the requested interval. Disabled by default
  • bookId - book ID for requested messages (*required)
  • responseFormat - text, accepts multiple values - sets response formats. Possible values: BASE_64, PROTO_PARSED, JSON_PARSED. default value - BASE_64 & PROTO_PARSED. Example: http://localhost:8080/search/sse/messages/group?group=A&group=B&startTimestamp=15600000&endTimestamp=15700000

http://localhost:8080/search/sse/page-infos - creates an SSE channel of page infos that matches the requested book id for the requested time period

  • startTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the search starting point. Must not be null
  • endTimestamp - number, unix timestamp in milliseconds or nanos - Sets the search ending point. Must not be null
  • bookId - book ID for requested messages (*required)
  • resultCountLimit - number - Sets the maximum amount of page events to return. Defaults to null (unlimited). Example: http://localhost:8080/search/sse/page-infos?startTimestamp=15600000&endTimestamp=15700000&bookId=book1

Elements in channel match the format sse:

event: 'event' / 'message' | 'close' | 'error' | 'keep_alive' | 'page_info'
data: 'Event metadata object' / 'message' | 'Empty data' | 'HTTP Error code' | 'Empty data' | 'page info'
id: event / message id | null | null | null | page id


schema component description example (lw-data-provider.yml):


apiVersion: th2.exactpro.com/v1
kind: Th2CoreBox
  name: lw-data-provider
  image-name: ghcr.io/th2-net/th2-lw-data-provider
  image-version: 1.0.3
  type: th2-rpt-data-provider
    hostname: # IP to listen to requests. 
    port: 8080 
#   keepAliveTimeout: 5000 # timeout in milliseconds. keep_alive sending frequency
#   maxBufferDecodeQueue: 10000 # buffer size for messages that sent to decode but anwers hasn't been received 
#   decodingTimeout: 60000 # timeout expecting answers from codec. 
#   batchSizeBytes: 256KB # the max size of the batch in bytes. You can use 'MB,KB' suffixes or a plain int value
#   codecUsePinAttributes: true # send raw message to specified codec (true) or send to all codecs (false) 
#   responseFormats: string list # resolve data for selected formats only. (allowed values: BASE_64, PARSED)
#   flushSseAfter: 0 # number of SSE emitted before flushing data to the output stream. 0 means flush after each event
#   gzipCompressionLevel: -1 # integer value of gzip compression level. This option is used when user requests data via HTTP with enabled commpression. 
#      * -1: default compression level
#      * 0: no compression
#      * 1: best speed
#      * 9: best compression

  pins: # pins are used to communicate with codec components to parse message data
    - name: to_codec
      connection-type: mq
        - to_codec
        - raw
        - publish
    - name: from_codec
      connection-type: mq
        - from_codec
        - parsed
        - subscribe
      enabled: true
      type: NodePort
        - name: 'grpc'
          targetPort: 8080
          - '/lw-dataprovider/(.*)'
      JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Ddatastax-java-driver.advanced.connection.init-query-timeout=\"5000 milliseconds\""
        memory: 2000Mi
        cpu: 600m
        memory: 300Mi
        cpu: 50m


apiVersion: th2.exactpro.com/v2
kind: Th2CoreBox
  name: lw-data-provider
  imageName: ghcr.io/th2-net/th2-lw-data-provider
  imageVersion: 1.0.3
  type: th2-rpt-data-provider
    hostname: # IP to listen to requests. 
    port: 8080 
#   keepAliveTimeout: 5000 # timeout in milliseconds. keep_alive sending frequency
#   maxBufferDecodeQueue: 10000 # buffer size for messages that sent to decode but answers hasn't been received 
#   decodingTimeout: 60000 # timeout expecting answers from codec. 
#   batchSizeBytes: 256KB # the max size of the batch in bytes. You can use 'MB,KB' suffixes or a plain int value
#   validateCradleData: false # validate data loaded from cradle. NOTE: Enabled validation affect performance 
#   codecUsePinAttributes: true # send raw message to specified codec (true) or send to all codecs (false) 
#   responseFormats: string list # resolve data for selected formats only. (allowed values: BASE_64, PARSED)

  # pins are used to communicate with codec components to parse message data
      - name: to_codec
          - to_codec
          - raw
          - publish
      - name: from_codec
          - from_codec
          - parsed
          - subscribe
          - box: codec
            pin: from_codec_decode_general
      enabled: true
      nodePort:  # Required if you use ingress url path
        - name: 'connect'
          targetPort: 8080
#          exposedPort: 30042 # if you need a constant port to be exposed
          - '/lw-dataprovider/'
      JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -Ddatastax-java-driver.advanced.connection.init-query-timeout=\"5000 milliseconds\""
        memory: 2000Mi
        cpu: 600m
        memory: 300Mi
        cpu: 50m

Release notes:


  • Updated:
    • th2 gradle plugin 0.0.8
    • common: 5.12.0-dev


  • Migrated to th2 gradle plugin 0.0.6
  • Added swagger library
  • Updated:
    • bom: 4.6.1-dev
    • cradle api: 5.3.0-dev
    • common: 5.11.0-dev
    • micrometer-bom: 1.12.5
    • jetty-bom: 11.0.20
    • javalin: 5.6.5
    • javalin-openapi: 5.6.4


  • Updated cradle api: 5.2.0-dev
  • Updated common: 5.8.0-dev


  • Add download task endpoints:
    • POST /download - register task
    • GET /download/{taskID} - execute task
    • GET /download/{taskID}/status - get task status
    • DELETE /download/{taskID} - remove task
  • Add parameter downloadTaskTTL to clean up the completed or not started task after the specified time in milliseconds. 1 hour by default.
  • Add EXTERNAL_CONTEXT_PATH env variable to inform provider about external context that is used in requests


  • Fix possible deadlock in case the response queue is filled up with keep-alive events and there is no enough space to accumulate the batch for codec




  • common: 5.7.1-dev
  • grpc-lw-data-provider: 2.3.0



  • custom JSON serialization did not do proper escaping for strings


  • Added batchSizeBytes parameter to limit batch size by size in bytes rather than count of messages.
  • Added validateCradleData parameter to enable/disable validation logic for data loaded from cradle. Currently, managed validation logic includes check for message sequence and timestamp inside a group batch.
  • Parameters batchSize and groupRequestBuffer removed. The maximum batch size in messages is computed based on bufferPerQuery or maxBufferDecodeQueue if previous parameter is not set.



  • check order of messages in the whole group batch instead of according to streams (session alias + direction).



  • Add gzipCompressionLevel parameter into configuration


  • Migrated to the cradle version with fixed load pages where removed field is null problem.
  • Updated cradle: 5.1.4-dev


  • Add support for requesting message groups in reversed order
  • Add filter by stream to gRPC API for group search request


  • error reporting when executing group search (if error occurs during a call to the Cradle API stream were closed before the error was reported)


  • Updated bom: 4.6.0-dev
  • Updated common: 5.10.0-dev (recover subscription of channels on failure)


  • Updated bom: 4.5.0-dev
  • Updated common: 5.4.0-dev
  • Updated kotlin: 1.8.22


  • Removed extra fields field from JSON_PARSED message format.
    • Old: {"fields":{"a":{"fields":{"b":"1"}}}}
    • New: {"fields":{"a":{"b":"1"}}}