
Simple test button and button group for Flambe (Haxe).

Primary LanguageHaxe


SimpleButton is a simple button (hence the name) that's useful when prototyping. Also included is SimpleButtonGroup, which can be used to layout of a collection of SimpleButtons.

Alt text


// Button Group
var simpleButtonGroup:SimpleButtonGroup = new SimpleButtonGroup();   
simpleButtonGroup.centerAnchor().setXY( System.stage.width * .5, System.stage.height * .5 );
System.root.addChild( simpleButtonGroup.entity );

// Buttons
var button1:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton( "Button 1", fontArial );
button1.onClick( function( event:PointerEvent ){
  trace("Button 1 clicked.");
simpleButtonGroup.add( button1 );

var button2:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton( "Button 2", fontArial );
button2.onClick( function( event:PointerEvent ){
  trace("Button 2 clicked.");
simpleButtonGroup.add( button2 );

SimpleButtonGroup supports two different orientations. Vertical and Horizontal.

simpleButtonGroup.direction = GroupDirection.Horizontal;

Tested on both HTML5 and Flash platforms.