PP project

Primary LanguageShell


MADINA-TIC project is based on django for backend and react for frontend, postgresql for database and nginx as a web proxy.


Docker deployment:

- requirements:
	1. install docker deamon [docs](https://docs.docker.com/install/).
	2. install docker-compose tool [docs](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
1. clone the source code:
	- `git clone https://github.com/th3happybit/MADINA-TIC-BACK.git`
	- `git clone https://github.com/th3happybit/MADINA-TIC-FRONT.git`

2. build the backend image:
	- `sudo docker build -t madina-tic/backend:0.1 MADINA-TIC-BACK -f MADINA-TIC-BACK/Dockerfile`

3. build the frontend image:
    - dev: `sudo docker build -t madina-tic/frontend:0.1 MADINA-TIC-FRONT -f MADINA-TIC-FRONT/Dockerfile.dev`
    - prod: `sudo docker build -t madina-tic/frontend:0.1 MADINA-TIC-FRONT -f MADINA-TIC-FRONT/Dockerfile`

4. run the services:
	- dev:
		- use nginx dev config `local.conf`
		- `sudo docker-compose --file docker-compose-develop.yml up -d`
	- prod: 
		- use nginx prod config inside `local.config.prod` in place of local.conf `cp local.config.https local.config`
		- `sudo docker-compose up -d`

Manual deployment

- requirements:
	1. python 3.8 and pip
	2. nodejs and yarn
1. setup the backend:
	- install django and other requirements:
		- `sudo pip install -r requirements.txt`
	- run server:
		- `./manager.py runserver`
2. setup the frontend:
	- install frontend requirements:
		- `yarn install`
	- run the server:
		- `yarn start`


  1. First login as an admin:

     - creds:
     	username: admin
     	password: blackholE
  2. docs route: