Argent Test

Get started by installing dependencies!

yarn install

It should run a postinstall command to create the generated files. If that's not the case, or you want to regenerate them, run:

yarn generate

You should add your own .env file before spinning it up. You need to add your NEXT_PUBLIC_JSON_RPC_PROVIDER (infura or other ethereum rpc endpoint).

cp .env.sample .env


Now you can start next.js in dev mode with:

yarn dev

Or in production mode with:

yarn build
yarn start

Have fun!


It crashes with Object.fromEntries is not a function

Use a newer Node Version! Always use the newest LTS (currently v14.*). If you are familiar with nvm, also see the .nvmrc file which comes with this repo!

It crashes with Can't resolve '../../types/ethers-contracts'

Seems like the postinstall got blocked! Generate the needed files by running:

yarn generate

and restart the process!