AngularU Gestures

Step 1

  • Install Ionic and Cordova
    • npm install -g ionic cordova

Step 2

  • Create new project
    • ionic start gestures
    • cd gestures
    • ionic platform add ios (Should be automatic on OSX)
    • ionic platform add android

Step 3

  • Run using Ionic View
  • Run on emulator or device
    • iOS recommended:
      • ionic emulate ios -l -c
      • Live reload and console output.
    • Android recommended (Device or Genymotion):
      • ionic run android -l -c
      • Live reload and console output.
    • ionic run ios
      • Can be tricky because of certificate security.
    • ionic emulate android
      • Slow without HAXM and HAXM is buggy on Mac.

Step 4

  • Add scroll=false to ion-content.
  • Add div with square class.
  • Add ion-pinch directive to div.
  <ion-content scroll="false">
    <div class="square" ion-pinch></div>
  • Add CSS to style.css:
  .square {
    width: 184px;
    height: 200px;
    background: #DDD url('../img/shield.png') 0/100%;

Step 5

  • Add code to app.js for onGesture() function.
  ionic.onGesture('touch drag transform dragend', function(e) {
    switch (e.type) {
    case 'touch':
      last_scale = scale;
      last_rotation = rotation;
    case 'drag':
      posX = e.gesture.deltaX + lastPosX;
      posY = e.gesture.deltaY + lastPosY;
    case 'transform':
      rotation = e.gesture.rotation + last_rotation;
      scale = e.gesture.scale * lastScale
    case 'dragend':
      lastPosX = posX;
      lastPosY = posY;
      lastScale = scale;
    var transform =
      "translate3d(" + posX + "px," + posY + "px, 0) " +
      "scale(" + scale + ")" +
      "rotate(" + rotation + "deg) "; = transform; = transform;
  }, $element[0]);

Step 6

  • Run again using emulator, device, or Ionic View.

Step 7

  • Add Crosswalk
    • ionic browser add crosswalk
  • Run again on Android:
    • ionic run android

Extra Credit

  • Shield PNG becomes blurry at high zoom.
  • Replace PNG with SVG file for resolution independence.