
Question Bank Generator uses a crowd sourcing model to prepare question banks from a large pool of objective questions.

Primary LanguagePython

QBaG (Question Bank Generator) Backend

This project serves as backend for QBaG frontend.

Question Bank Generator uses a crowd sourcing model to prepare question banks from a large pool of objective questions. QBaG provides an interface for paper setters and academicians to generate reliable question papers using our automated and robust system. The questions can be selected based on a range of parameters and can be exported to your desired format within minutes. Each question contributed is passed through a number of checks and is also vetted by experts.

Link to the website: https://qbag.netlify.app/
Link to frontend repo: https://github.com/Team-Executables/qbag-frontend
Link to project presentation: Question Bank Generator.pdf

Tech Stack

  • Django REST Framework v3.13.1
  • Django v4.0.3
  • PyTorch v1.11.0
  • Simple JWT v5.1.0

API Endpoints


Method URL Description
POST /auth/register To register or sign-up user (teacher and other)
GET /auth /email-verify To verify user's email
POST /auth/login To log into QBag
POST /auth/token/refresh To refresh access token by sending refresh token
POST /auth/logout To log out from QBag
PATCH/PUT /auth/change-password To change user’s password
POST /auth/request-reset-email To post email to get password reset link
GET /auth/password-reset/{uidb64}/{token} To Verify User using uidb64 and token
GET /auth /password-reset-confirm To confirm new password
PATCH /auth /password-reset-complete To set new password


Method URL Description
POST /questions/create-question Used by user to create question
GET /questions/get-question Used by teacher to get a question
POST /questions/retrieve-question Used by teacher to retrieve a question
POST /questions/get-similar-questions Used by user to get similar questions
POST /questions/vote-question Used by teacher to upvote or downvote a question
POST /questions/create-paper Used by teacher to create paper from selected questions
GET /questions/all-papers Used bt teacher to get all papers created by teacher
GET /questions/questions-from-paper Used by teacher get questions from paper created
POST /questions/bulkupload Used to upload questions in bulk
GET /questions/getallmyquestions Used to get all questions generated by user
POST /questions/save-url-template Used to save input parameters as template by teacher
GET /questions/get-url-template Used to get saved template by teacher