
:busts_in_silhouette: Run Facebook's Flow in your gulp pipeline

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gulp-flowtype Build Status NPM version Dependency Status Gitter chat

Run Facebook's Flow in your gulp pipeline

gulp-flowtype example


$ npm install --save-dev gulp-flowtype

Running Windows?

Flow hasn't provided an official binary as of yet, you can follow the issue here #6.

If you do manage to compile flow and get it running. You can set the path to your own executable using an environment variable.

$ set FLOW_BIN=/path/to/flow


var react = require('gulp-react');
var flow = require('gulp-flowtype');

gulp.task('typecheck', function() {
  return gulp.src('./*.js')
        all: false,
        weak: false,
        declarations: './declarations',
        killFlow: false,
        beep: true,
        abort: false
    .pipe(react({ stripTypes: true })) // Strip Flow type annotations before compiling



Type: Boolean Default: false

Typecheck all files, not just @flow.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Typecheck with weak inference, assuming dynamic types by default.


Type: String Default: empty

The path to declared files (interfaces) to third-party libraries


Type: Boolean Default: false

Kills the Flow server after Typecheck is finished.


Type: Boolean Default: true

Notify your command prompt of a Typecheck error with a beep


Type: Boolean Default: false

Abort the gulp task after the first Typecheck error


Type: function Default: sindresorhus/jshint-stylish

Optionally specify a custom reporter. This needs to conform to the specifications in http://jshint.com/docs/reporters/

Release History

  • 2016-01-18 v0.4.9 [Improvement] Update dependencies + fix broken code #38
  • 2015-09-13 v0.4.8 [Fix] Downgrade flow
  • 2015-05-05 v0.4.7 [Improvement] Add option for custom reporter
  • 2015-04-10 v0.4.6 [Fix] Move flow-bin to peerDependencies + #25 Fix abort option
  • 2015-02-24 v0.4.5 [Bump] flow-bin v0.4.0
  • 2015-02-15 v0.4.4 [Fix] #19 Reset passed value when finished
  • 2015-02-07 v0.4.3 [Fix] Move dependency from devDependencies to dependencies
  • 2015-02-06 v0.4.2 [Improvement] Add beep, abort on error and option to override flow executable (broken)
  • 2014-12-15 v0.4.1 [Improvement] Performance improvements & better error handling
  • 2014-11-26 v0.4.0 [Improvement] Tweak success message, check file has /* @flow */ before running flow and added options
  • 2014-11-23 v0.3.1 [Fix] Changes to previous formatting fix
  • 2014-11-23 v0.3.0 [Fix] Repair formatting issues
  • 2014-11-21 v0.2.0 [Improvement] General improvements
  • 2014-11-19 v0.1.0 Initial release


  1. Write test (if applicable)
  2. Write code
  3. Make tests pass
  4. Execute npm run lint and make amendments if needed
  5. Create pull request
  6. Rinse and repeat


MIT © Charlie Dowler