
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Order:

    • Someone uses start up owner's app/service
    • Startup owner wants feedback
    • Send customer an email requesting feedback
    • Get tabulation of results
    • Make app/service better with feedback!
  • App User flow and Tech Stack:

    • User signs up via Google OAuth
      • Express server + MongoDB + PassportJS
    • User pays for email credits via stripe
      • Stripe + MongoDB
    • User creates a new 'campaign'
      • React + Redux
    • User enters list of emails to send survey to
      • React + Redux + Redux Form
    • We send email to list of surveyees
      • Email Provider
    • Surveyees click on link in email to provide feedback
      • Email Provider + Express + Mongo
    • We tabulate feeback
      • Mongo?
    • User can see report of all survey responses
      • Mongo + React + Redux

App Diagrams

  • Front End: Client setup, Auth on client, Add survey stuff on client
  • Back End: Server setup, Authentication flow, Add survey API's on server
  • Order:
    • Server setup
    • Authentication flow
    • Client setup
    • Auth on client
    • Add survey API's on server
    • Add survey stuff on client

  • Node:

    • Javascript runtime used to execute code outside of the browser
  • Express:

    • Library that runs in the node runtime. has helpers to make dealing with HTTP traffic easier
  • Deployment Checklist

    • Dynamic Port Binding:
      • Heroku tells us which port our app will use, so we need to make sure we listen to the port they tell us to
    • Specify Node Environment:
      • We want to use a specific version of node, so we need to tell Heroku which version we want
    • Specify start script:
      • Instruct Heroku what command to run to start our server running
    • Create .gitignore file:
      • We don't want to include dependencies, Heroku will do that for us
  • First Time Deploy:

    • Create Heroku account
    • Commit our code base to git
    • Install Heroku CLI and Create App
    • Deploy App with Git
    • Heroku deploys project
  • Subsequent Deploys:

    • Commit code base with git
    • Deploy App with Git
  • OAuth Flow

    • Client:
      • User clicks 'Login'

      Direct to localhost: 5000/auth/google --> Server

    • Server:
      • Forward users's request to Google


    • Google:
      • Ask user if they grant permission
      • User grants permission

      Direct to localhost:5000/auth/google/callback?code=456

    • Server:
      • Put user on hold, take the 'code' from the URL
      • Send request to google with 'code' included
    • Google:
      • Google sees 'code' in URL, replies with details about this user

      response back to Server

    • Server:
      • Get user details, create new record in database
      • Set user ID in cookie for this user

      Kick user back to localhost:5000 to Client

    • Client:
      • Logged in!
      • I need some resources from the API

      Cookie automatically included, to Server

    • Server: Ah, this request has a cookie with user id equal to 123
  • Passport Library Components:

    • Passport: General helpers for handling auth in Express apps
    • Passport strategy: Helpers for authenticating with one very specific method (email/password, Google, FaceBook, etc)
  • ClientId: Public token - we can share this with the public

  • ClienSecret: Private token - we don't want anyone to see this!


  • Index.js: Helper modules and business logic
    • Config: Protected API keys and settings
    • Routes: All route handlers, grouped by purpose
    • Services: helper modules and business logic

  • Mongoose: a Model Class which allow to create a collection of users in MongoDB

Cookie flow order

  • Request: either comes in or sent to route handler
  • Cookie-Session: Extracts cookie data
  • Passport: Pulls user id out of cookie data
  • deserialize User: Function we write tot turn user id into a user
  • User model instance added to req object as 'req.user'

Keys (2 sets of Keys)

  • Dev (on my laptop): MongoDB, Google API, Cookie Key
  • Prod (on Heroku environment): MongoDB, Google API, Cookie Key

2 Servers

  • Make 2 Server to work together nicely

  • React Server(js stuff): Button.js, App.js, Header.js

  • Express Server(json stuff): MongoDB

  • Use : npm install --save concurrently

  • modified the package.json's scripts:

    "start": "node index.js",
    "server": "nodemon index.js",
    "client": "npm run start --prefix client",
    "dev": "concurrently \"npm run server\" \"npm run client\""
- Run: npm run dev

Test promise in the browser (Json package)

  • fetch(): Returns a promise
  • .then(res => res.json()): Fetch resolves its promise with an object representing the request.
    • You can get the real json response by calling'.json(). This returns *another* promise.
  • .then(json => console.log(json)): After getting the json, console log it.
// Write a funciton to retrieve a blob of json
// make an ajax request! Use the 'fetch' function
// http://rallycoding.herokuapp.com/api/music_albums

function fetchAlbums() {
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(json => console.log(json));

  • New ES6 syntax (same feature)
async function fetchAlbums() {
  const res = await fetch('http://rallycoding.herokuapp.com/api/music_albums')
  const json = await res.json()

  • Can be refactor to:
const fetchAlbums = async () => {
  const res = await fetch('http://rallycoding.herokuapp.com/api/music_albums')
  const json = await res.json()


Client Side

  • index.js: Data layer control (Redux)

  • App.js: Rendering layer control (React Router)

  • Order:

    • index
      • App
        • landing
        • Header
        • Dashboard
          • SurveyList
            • ...
        • Surveynew
          • SurveyField
  • React Component: Calls a ... Action Creator

  • Action Creator: Returns a ... Action

  • Action: Sent to .... reducers

  • Reducers: updates state in ... Store

  • Store: State sent back to React Components, causing them to rerender

  • Provider: is a component that makes the store accessible to every component in the app

  • Provider: store

    • App
      • Dashboard
        • SurveyList
          • SurveyListltem: SurveyList can access the store thanks to the Provider tag
            • Provider
  • Redux Store: All of the state exist

    • Combine Reducers
      • authReducer: Records whether or not the user is logged in
      • surveysReducer: Records a list of all surveys user has created

  • Command instructions of building the app:
    • Server:
      • npm init
      • npm install --save express
      • To run: node index.js
      • npm install --save passport passport-google-oauth20
      • npm install --save nodemon
        • Add: "dev": "nodemon index.js" under "scripts" to package.json
        • run: npm run dev
      • npm install --save mongoose
      • npm install --save cookie-session
      • npm install --save concurrently
    • Client:
      • create-react-app client
      • npm install --save redux react-redux react-router-dom
      • npm install --save materialize-css