
Aims to crowd source pro-bono services to those in need, using the technology in our hands to reach out to those who don't have access to it

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Guardian Angel

Background and Overview

Have you ever met someone in need but did not have the knowledge or resources to help them? Have you ever wanted to help someone but did not know who to approach?

Guardian Angel is a social network that connects these kinds of people together. You can be a Guardian, and partake in community outreach, finding the people in your area in need and listing them on the app. You can be an Angel, who can scroll through the Needs Feed and provide the help someone needs.

Guardian Angel aims to crowd source pro-bono services to those in need, using the technology in our hands to reach out to those who don't have access to it.

Technologies Involved

This project was built using the following technologies:

  • Frontend

  • Backend

    • NodeJs / Express
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose
    • GraphQL

Needs Feed


The Home Feed displays all the current needs that are in the area. Users can view these needs directly and offer their services.




The User Profile page displays all the users posted needs and a button to message them directly.



Messages are sent in real-time and implemented using WebSockets. Users can message other users to get more information about needs. In GraphQL users are joined with two seperate entities: conversations and messages.

conversations involve an author and recipient and act somewhat like a SQL joins table to allow for consolidating specific message queries. messages house the text data and connect these messages to one specific user and conversation.

an example query to fetch conversations message in GraphQL:

  getConversationMessages: async (_, { _id }, { user }) => {
    try {
      await requireAuth(user);
      return Message.find({ conversation: _id }).sort({ createdAt: -1 });
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

These messages are then attached to a PubSub instance generated using the graphql-subscription library to allow us to hook up our frontend to the websockets. Subscriptions exist for conversations and for individual messages inside them. Some example code how our conversation joins a subscription inside our conversation-resolvers.js

In the create conversation we will publish the data and subscribe the user

 pubsub.publish(CONVERSATION_ADDED, { [CONVERSATION_ADDED]: conversation });

adding the subscribe functionality

  conversationAdded: {
    subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator(CONVERSATION_ADDED)

After the backend is open for subscriptions, the frontend will subscribe the user when they navigate to the messages button or create a new conversation and go to ConversationIndexScreen.js.



The user Dashboard displays all needs the user has posted or applied to, the status of the need, and how many people have offered their service.