
Analytical labs and its results related to the Unix and C Programming Class (Telecom SudParis ) made in the first school semester of 2022.

Primary LanguageC

C Programming Labs


Laboratories related to the Unix and C Programming Class (Telecom SudParis - Institut Polytechnique de Paris) made in the first school semester of 2022.


  • Comparison of slow and fast sorting algorithms (Lab 01 and 02)
  • Linked lists (Lab 03)
  • Binary trees (Lab 04)


For the first and second labs we were asked to provide reports to compare the results of the sorting algorithms used, as seen below:

Lab 01:

  • I coded two commonly taught slow sorting algorithms:** Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort and Selection Sort**. The analysis involved sorting random and reverse-ordered arrays of different sizes (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000) in five trials for each case, and the results were graphically presented for better understanding.
  • In the first case, Bubble Sort is notably slower due to its high number of operations.
  • Insertion Sort performs better than Selection Sort. In the second case with a reverse-ordered array, Insertion Sort's efficiency drops significantly, making it slower than both Bubble and Selection Sort, while Bubble Sort remains the slowest in both cases. Screen Shot 2023-11-04 at 5 12 47 PM

Lab 02:

  • I coded two commonly taught fast sorting algorithms: Quick Sort and Heap Sort with the same cases as before.
  • In the first case, Heap Sort outperforms Quick Sort on average, especially for larger arrays. Both algorithms show similar performance for smaller arrays.
  • In the second case with a reverse-ordered array, both algorithms take more time and have steeper slopes, with Quick Sort suffering from a poor pivot selection. Nevertheless, Heap Sort remains more efficient.
  • Comparing these lab-coded algorithms to those from a previous lab, the "fast algorithms" outperform the previous ones, with a significant difference in slope, notably faster than the slowest algorithm, Bubble Sort.
  • In the fourth graph, Selection Sort surpasses Insertion Sort, but all algorithms show increased slopes, indicating slower overall performance.

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